Ellingtonia wrote:
Diamorphine wrote:
If they do invent a cure for AS, no one says you HAVE to get cured, similar to how a cancer patient could elect to not recieve chemo. I still support a cure being found for those who want to be cured.
An important difference between AS and cancer is that AS is usually diagnosed in childhood. Hypothetically, should parents be able to force a permanent cure on their children?
Depends how old the children are. 13+ definetly not. I do think, if all AS people were cured as babies, the vast majority of them would have had better qualities of life. Look at it like this, AS does a LOT more harm than good, and in my case of ADHD, a lot of harm and no good. Untreated, I was a D student in school and I only did the bare minimum to get by in life. If my parents gave me adderall/ritalin/similar as a child I could have gotten better grades, leading to going to a good college, to making a lot more money than I ever could untreated.
Whether or not you like having AS, you need to understand that most people don't and for 99% of people who get it, it significantly diminishes quality of life.
Sorry if I sounded hostile, but there was a little need to be when you're referring to scientists trying to improve the quality of life of millions as "they" like there's an organization out to defeat the great legion of people with autism.