Expressing myself and cognitive difficulties

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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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22 May 2012, 6:20 pm

Recently I've had real difficulty in expressing myself. In conversation and even when I'm posting on boards/threads like this.
I used to be really good at expressing myself and formulating detailed arguments and opinions on things but recently it seems like I've lost this ability. It's one of the things I used to value so highly because I generally do love a good debate/discussion. Recently I've kinda found myself becoming more "stupid", if you get what I mean. I find my memory is getting worse and I'm less able to experience emotions fully. I've also noticed that my grammar is slipping up a bit and I'm finding it harder to type things out on a keyboard. It kinda seems like I'm going down a slippery slope and there's no way back. It's really starting to concern me. I tried discussing this with my doctor but he just kind of brushed it off. I don't think I was able to properly express what I'm feeling.
I'm not sure whats happening but I think it may be due to the tablets I'm on. I take a drug called mirtazapine and it's a heavy sedative for an anti-depressant. Could this have anything to do with it? Has anybody else experienced anything like this? It's really bugging me and I don't know what to do about it. I'm starting to be weened off my AD to see if that is the cause but I just can't see an AD causing symptoms like that.
(Not sure really where to post this so I thought here was the best place)
Thanks for any responses, I'm really concerned D:


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23 May 2012, 5:37 am

Hmm.. I also feel getting more stupid in college. The things I used to do such as mental math, memorization, and writing seems to be more challenging now. I don't know why; I don't take any medicines. But maybe it is because I'm not practicing them anymore cause I don't need them in my degree. Maybe you should get a second opinion?


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23 May 2012, 5:51 am

Do you drink a lot of coffee? I have the same issues too... it's very frustrating.
And yes, it could be because of you pills too. I know some people who have troubles with memory/focusing after taking antidepressants

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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 May 2012, 10:29 am

I don't drink too much coffee to be honest. Not really into hot drinks! So it can't be that. I hope it's the tablets so I can just stop taking them and get better.
I understand your frustration though anotherkind. I think it's one of the worst things to happen to someone. To lose your ability to accurately express yourself. I feel locked within a cage of mental confusion. It sucks man.
and hkakashi I might ask to see another doc. This doc doesn't seem really too bothered at all. I just get the impression he just doesn't take me that seriously. I've been considering going private with my healthcare for a while because then maybe when I'm actually paying for my treatment it'll be better and more tailored to my needs. I just need to scrounge some money together first haha.


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23 May 2012, 10:53 am

Are you taking those pills for depression? Because, depression can definitely have that effect. It makes it harder to think, plan, and communicate. It slows you down or traps you in useless, restless movement. Depression sucks...

But you are right that it could simply be the medication itself. If you're getting undesirable side-effects, you have some options. Talk to your doctor, explain this, and ask to either lower the dose or try another medication. Since you're having trouble communicating, you should probably write down what you want to say and either read it out or give it to the doctor, with the explanation that you've been having trouble communicating and want to make sure that you are understood.

Another reason to have trouble with communication is that you're stressed in some way, and your mental resources are stretched too thin. That could be physical stress (too much exercise, not enough food, poor nutrition, physical illness, overwork), emotional stress (a loss, a big change, an intensification of anxiety or depressive symptoms), or sensory overload (too much brainpower is being used on processing overwhelming data). If that's so, try to identify the stressor, figure out better ways to deal with it. If necessary, take a vacation or drop some less important responsibilities.

Sometimes, though, our skills just kind of go up and down randomly and pretty unpredictably. For most people, it's not too extreme--don't expect to completely lose speech, or anything, unless you have a history of dramatic regressions in the past. It's just that sometimes your brain seems to work better than other times, and you just have to be patient with yourself when you're not at your best. No use beating yourself up or getting guilty about it; that's just the way you work and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Just another part of life with autism.

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