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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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23 May 2012, 10:44 pm

Everyone know that almost every person with autism gets bullied to some degree at school, but is there anyone here who wasn't bullied at all? Or at least not bullied any more than everyone else, not singled out for bullying? Why do you think this was?


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23 May 2012, 11:08 pm

Research shows that people with ASD are 3 times as likely to be bullied as their siblings. It also shows that about 2/3 of people with ASD report being bullied.

So not "almost every person" with ASD, just a substantial majority.

I wasn't bullied at school. Partly, I suspect, this is because our schools are streamed by ability. I was in all the top classes (and came first in a number of the subjects) so I was surrounded by bright, well-mannered fellow students who didn't bully anyone. I had credibility in that environment because of my academic record. And I didn't mix with students from the lower graded classes (I didn't know anyone in them). So it is possible that some bullying occurred there, but I didn't see it. Also, that was 40-50 years ago, when people might have been a little less aggressive towards other people.

Growing up, I only ever encountered bullying in a few brief, unusual situations - e.g. occasionally during one 3 day camp-out. I left one organisation (Scouting) because it was a bit prone to bullying, although I didn't feel especially singled out, just uncomfortable). But I was able to find another organisation that was better managed and it had no significant bullying that I can remember.


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23 May 2012, 11:13 pm

I was not bullied in school, because I was too autistic and therefore socially oblivious to be able to tell that I was bullied whenever any bullies tried to bully me, so the bullies received no pleasure from bullying me, so the bullies moved on to bully other victims who knew that they were being bullied and eggspressed distress during the bullying, which encouraged the bullies to bully them moar moar moar, while I eggressed nothing at all.


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23 May 2012, 11:37 pm

Ellingtonia wrote:
Everyone know that almost every person with autism gets bullied to some degree at school, but is there anyone here who wasn't bullied at all? Or at least not bullied any more than everyone else, not singled out for bullying? Why do you think this was?

Well I wasn't really physically bullied because I was always very strong and fast. I was also very aggressive if provoked so every once in a while someone would want to show everyone what a badass he was, I'd beat the crap out him and people would leave me alone for a while. That's pretty much how k-12 was for me. My problem was that nobody would have anything to do with me and I was a complete outcast. I wasn't the kid that was picked last for teams or groups, I was the one they only took because they were forced to by a teacher. By the time I got to high school there were some untrue rumors going around about me and all of the students and teachers were afraid of me. Now the teachers and administrators didn't want anything to do with me either. They finally got rid of me at the beginning of 10th grade by sending me to one of those schools for kids they think are destined to spend a lifetime on drugs or in prison. That was the first time I felt like I fit in at school. It was just a bunch of kids that had problems the administrators were to lazy and selfish to deal with, this was where they threw away their trash. The teachers at this school were the first teachers that treated me like a thinking person. Unfortunately the school district decided we weren't worth the crumbs they spent on us and shut the school down that year. I quit school then. I guess I could say I was bullied but I don't know if being thrown away by the people who were supposed to educate me is worse than being beaten up after school. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.


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23 May 2012, 11:43 pm

I was bullied but I was not bullied when I was 6 and 7 at school. Sure kids would sometimes be mean to me but I don't know if I would say I was bullied because it did not happen often enough. I was teased by a very few kids. I think the reason why I was not picked on there was because I was in special ed with the other special needs kids.

I didn't get bullied for real until I was 8 even though I get bullied at home by neighborhood kids when I was six and seven but it wasn't often. I was never beaten up. No one did that at my school. Maybe because we had that keep your hands to yourself policy. It was very bad by the time I was 12. Then after that I was not bullied ever again when I was in middle school and high school because we moved and we lived in a small town now and I was in special ed. I mainstreamed it in high school.


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24 May 2012, 12:06 am

Well I have been both. I have also had one guy throw chairs at me & logs in a classroom. Mainly I use lots of different tactics. I have even used the pretend the guy knocked you out with one punch tactic. I was outside the head teachers room a lot really. Since people under estimated me.

But Matthew was the only one I bullied I guess I was just trying to help him stand up for himself & keep him company. Funny we were digging a hole to get to get to china how funny is that.

I have also been the person in the middle who stood up to the bully picking on someone weaker than them. I also stood up for someone who was been verbal bullied. I also have had 1 guy verbal insult me, but he got shock, then he got his friends & lying to them about what he did. I guess the others saw he was lying. But my friend walked away. So when he got picked on for throwing a few pence in the air I just stood & watched. Since he walked away to a group approaching me. Also a worker approached telling the guy to stop, who was not in his normal mindset.

Really I use different tactics. Really bullying should not be tolerated, unless they even or the weaker one is the one asking the challenge.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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24 May 2012, 12:14 am

I just made sure that every bad thing that could be said about me would come from myself first rendering everything said by anyone else old news. Effectively converting my early life bullied into humor. But didn't really at any point have a problem with being bullied, just never cared.
My view has for the most part been that I understand why the different individuals do it so I can't blame them.


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24 May 2012, 12:28 am

nah i was bullied at home......

Snowy Owl
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24 May 2012, 12:33 am

I wasn't bullied for reasons related to Asperger's. I was bullied when I was in elementary school for being chubby. Luckily I became thin after 2nd grade. In high school I was bullied briefly after telling a "friend" that I was thinking about suicide. He went around telling people, and they came up to me and teased me about it. :?


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24 May 2012, 12:56 am

People didn't even consider it. I was easily an inch or two taller than most of the boys or girls all the way up to middle school. It's mostly true today, plus I have a couple years of rugby in me. I'm level headed now, but I used to have a bad temper.

I remember throwing a snowball directly into this boy's face in the 5th grade because he made fun of my last name. It was pretty satisfying. :lol:

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24 May 2012, 1:08 am

Good story on the topic from NPR: ... by-bullies

I didn't encounter physical bullying as a kid, though I was teased sometimes. I simply didn't interact with a lot of kids--I stuck to a small group of friends--so I avoided serious bullying. In fact, I took more abuse from other kids in my family than I did from kids at school--possibly because my quirks are more apparent when I'm around them.


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24 May 2012, 1:11 am

I was bullied for being really slow on many jokes and falling easily into social traps. However, it stopped when I got into high school because there were no upper class men as I went to a brand new school. I'm pretty sure my beard, thickness, and creepy looks keep all the bullies away, as well as my fondness of trolling.

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24 May 2012, 1:16 am

GrantingtheRant wrote:
I was bullied for being really slow on many jokes and falling easily into social traps. However, it stopped when I got into high school because there were no upper class men as I went to a brand new school. I'm pretty sure my beard, thickness, and creepy looks keep all the bullies away, as well as my fondness of trolling.

how do you troll in real life? or are you meaning something else? =/ sry dont get it


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24 May 2012, 1:49 am

legomyego wrote:
GrantingtheRant wrote:
I was bullied for being really slow on many jokes and falling easily into social traps. However, it stopped when I got into high school because there were no upper class men as I went to a brand new school. I'm pretty sure my beard, thickness, and creepy looks keep all the bullies away, as well as my fondness of trolling.

how do you troll in real life? or are you meaning something else? =/ sry dont get it

How to troll in real life:

Play dumb to piss people off

Do things to provoke people

Say thing to piss people off


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24 May 2012, 2:57 am

I have never been bullied. My mother & grandmother just thought that I was being smart and I was always accepted in my familiy (as the odd one).

My parents send me to a bilingual private school. It had a very strict policy (this was the early 70´s) compared to normal public schools. I was very quiet and small, a year younger than the rest of my classmates. Most of the time they didn´t take notice of me, when they did they were quite nice. Never made any friends in school :huh: If anybody tried to tease me, I never noticed.



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24 May 2012, 7:43 am

I wasn't bullied at school. I was quite lucky really, considering I went to a High School where I could have been bullied, because I heard that school was known to be a ''bully-centre'' as they called it and so had quite a bad reputation. I was surprised I wasn't signifficantly bullied there, being an Aspie. I was never a tough-looking child either, I was always physically and emotionally weak-looking.

I only have a mild case of AS, so I always had been generally aware of my actions from the age of about 7. I was quite difficult to handle for the teachers when I was under the age of 7; always having tantrums and standing out quite a bit from the other children, but I calmed down by the age of 7 and learned to cope a little better and I didn't stand out as much. But I don't see how toddlers and small children under 7 can bully anyway. As we got older, the other kids in my class didn't seem to remember what I was like as a small child, and I seemed rather socially accepted, although I never actually made proper friends, I was always quite lonely at school, but I didn't bother about it until I got to about 12.

Through school (between the ages of 7 and 16), I've had a few hiccups with other kids, maybe some bitchy comments said about me, or somebody laughing at me, or a group of kids tormenting me, but I just consder them a mild form of bullying or perhaps just teasing or even a misunderstanding. But all in all I wouldn't say I got bullied through school.
