I do not have children, I know about several parents with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, with long-term substance abuse, with disorders affecting their emotional health such as personality disorder(s), depression, PTSD or a combination of any of those disorders had their children taken from them and whose children are with them/were with them last time I worked where they were but are/were planned to be put into care asap.
As for parents with AS, I don't know of parents who are officially diagnosed with it so... no idea. The local social youth services (CPS) knows I am autistic because they pay the treatment for it. I wonder if anything fishy is going to happen once all those kids and teens of today whose diagnoses are known like that grow up and have children of their own?
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett