Like many here I've had to deal with anxiety and I've been a quite highly strung ever since I can remember. I've been on various things to combat it: paroxetine (seroxat), prescribed by my doctor made things infinitely worse and since then I haven't trusted the psychopharmaceutical industry one bit. That stuff put hell in my head
. I never again want to feel like the way I did on SSRIs. I've been down the self medication road: alcohol, diazepam, codeine, cannabis, dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine and others I can't remember how to spell
and they all worked for me on a short term basis but at some point I started getting into diminishing returns and eventually it got worse.
My martial arts instructor told me about some meditation techniques he used to get himself through a messy divorce. Now I'm the true definition of atheist and about as spiritual as a lump of cheese but I gave them a try very sceptically and I have to admit they are the one thing that's consistently worked for me. What I do basically revolves around a set of breathing exercises and I think they work at the physical level more than anything. I can feel my heart rate drop, chest pressure lifts and all the adrenaline and cortisol in my system melts away. I like to do a set before I go to bed and often they send me to sleep and I wake up on the couch the next morning wondering why I didn't go to bed
In a quiet, low lit room you lie down straight on your back, eyes closed, arms by your sides. Take five deep long breaths in and out and concentrate on making each one longer and deeper than the previous without exerting yourself. Then place the tips of the first three fingers of one hand onto the ridge at the top of your skull. Take ten deep long breaths, focusing on the feeling of contact betwen your fingers and your head. Repeat the ten breaths on your forehead, the gap in the middle of your collarbone, your sternum, navel, approximate genital area and your coccyx. When you're done return to the starting position and repeat the five breaths. I'm done in about 15 minutes. It takes a bit of practice to get right and find the right spot, but you'll eventually notice a weird feeling around certain areas of contact you make with your fingers. everyone's different but I find the areas that are most "active" for me are the top of my skull, forehead on my brow ridge between my eyes and especially my navel. To me it feels like a cross between pins and needles and a mild electric shock and I take it to mean that I'm fully tuned in with the exercise.
I'm certain that this functions at the endocrine level. It's like adrenaline and cortisol are replaced by serotonin and testosterone. I'm sure many people have some idea of the importance of serotonin in happiness, but I feel that testosterone is equally as important, for women as well as men. It plays a key role in mental resilience which is crucial in staving off anxiety. Less anxiety means less adrenaline which in turn means less cortisol and the quality of sleep I get improves so another vitally important chemical process can take place which is dreaming but I think I've tl;dr'd everyone to death with my so called expertise
so I'll leave it at that for now. It's worked for me and I never would have believed you if you'd told me this ten years ago.