Yeah, I'm a little paranoid, admittedly. I have to remind myself sometimes that some of the suspicious ideas that come into my head are improbable.
+ When people are laughing, they're laughing about me (ideas of reference).
+ Some people on a message board or IRC channel might be people I know in real life. For example, I sometimes get the silly notion that a person or two on might be a friend of the psychopathic woman I met last year, here to mock me through imitation.
+ That psychopathic woman has been spreading rumors about me that I'm crazy and obsessive, and they've affected people's opinion of me (persecutory ideation). Some people around here might know her, and she has talked about me to other people; I know that as fact.
+ When some men are talking to me, I wonder if they're trying to flirt with me (erotomanic ideation). Likewise, I get the idea that I am in competition with other men to get women. That is, other men who are merely talking to a woman I'm interested in are competing with me for her affection.
I sometimes wonder if I have paranoid schizophrenia instead of Asperger's syndrome (or maybe both). I have had brief illusory experiences but nothing that I would say constitutes psychotic hallucination.