vanhalenkurtz wrote:
What a great topic for post.
Presumably you are discounting the parent / child relationship, which is different due to a certain inexorability, a definite degree of implicit authority, plus its nonsexual exchange. You are speaking of "partnership."
Emotional exchange is at the heart. Willingness to make sacrifices for a satisfying "return." Day to day compatibility.
I really have no clue. Married twice, 2 children, almost all of it up in fog. My last tenable relationship was 20 years ago, and she was a medicated schizophrenic.
What pains me are the occasions where I've felt a great friendship got undone by sexual intrigues. Hormones lead people to ruin their lives.
That's what 52 years taught me and it's barely enough to fill a thimble.
Yes, yes...I should have specified *romantic* love, as I am assuming parent/child love etc. is different...or the way I *love* my cats, which is a deep sense of caring and affection for...
I used to pretend I knew what (romantic) love was, as it seems so important for so many people...but no, I don't think I truly *get* it and possibly lack the ability to
ever get it...