This seems to be an ongoing problem for me, an Aspie, and affects my wife. When she's gone to bed already and I'm cleaning up in the kitchen or whatever, she has come out of the room and angrily accused me of "banging around". I don't notice anything!! ! and tell her so. Yet she insists that I'm making noise. The odd time I'm clumsy and bang a pot against another when I'm putting it away, but sometimes I swear I don't recall making any noise. This has actually happened in my youth, as a teen, I was frequently accused by my stepmom of "stepping too hard" or closing things loud when she was still upstairs sleeping. Despite my best efforts to avoid it. Also I frequently unintentionally broke things, like doorknobs, from applying too much pressure.
I thought this might be an autism spectrum thing, but what combo of symptoms, I guess opinions may differ. I chalk it up to diminished awareness of body movement, hence the "non-verbal dyslexia" that accompanies Aspergers - this goes hand-in-hand with somewhat deficient motor skills. Whereas NTs seem to intuitively know how much pressure to apply in a manual task, or are more "guided" in their typical movements. I thought it might also have to do with not instinctively picking up on one's environment and the fact that others may be sleeping so adjust your movement according, but that seems more of a secondary factor, b/c I was very much aware of those surrounding circumstances (but suspect that action may have been disconnected from awareness, if that makes any sense).