questor wrote:
Yes, when done the way you describe, it's a stim. However, this is not a safe, healthy one, so you should look for another one.
Cracking joints on a frequent basis puts a lot of stress and wear and tear on them, especially when you try to force it. This damages them over time. You could eventually get arthritis in those joints. In the case of the neck and spine, you can actually throw them out of alignement, either temporarily, or even permanently. There is even the possibility of a misaligned neck or spine joint impinging on the spinal cord. This can cause pain in the nerves served by that area. It can even cause paralysis. So please, please stop this! Find another, safe stim. If you like the popping noise, try popping bubble wrap. There are many other stims, too. I sometimes twirl utensils or pens. I also bounce a knee up and down while sitting. I have other stims, too, but these are among the less weird looking ones. How about getting a squeeze ball, and squeezing that. If anyone asks why you are doing it, you can just say you are trying to strengthen your hands. Many people use them for that. Some are people who have had injuries, but many athletes also want to strengthen their hands.
So please, find a safer alternative to popping your joints, or at least stop doing the neck and spine joints
(I feel a need to preface this with: I have no intent to offend or sound rude, I simply don't know how else to phrase what I'm about to say, and I apologize profusely if it comes across incorrectly.)
For the spine/neck, I have been to a chiropractor who showed me how I could safely do it myself, as I have chronic back pain from an injury while in the military, and those I do not force unless one of my vertebrae feels out of alignment -there is one between my shoulder blades that shifts frequently- and even that one I give up on if it gets uncomfortable to put more pressure on.
As for cracking of joints causing arthritis, there is no evidence, other then anecdotal, that it does so
WebMD page about popping joints there are many other sites that also state there is no evidence to support that myth. Certainly I could hurt myself, potentially, but I could do the same driving a car.
To be completely honest, I'm not terribly concerned about some pain; I've had headaches daily since I was around 11 with migraines about once a week, with no known cause (I've been to many many doctors about that), as well as my back injury, which causes major pain twice a month or more, and mild pain constantly. I avoid taking medications, to protect my organs, so I generally just deal with it. If I can release some of the tension through cracking (and I should mention, when I say "force" I don't mean to the point of potentially dislocating/breaking my fingers, just slightly more then is necessarily comfortable, which is sometimes what it takes to pop them)
Kinme wrote:
Why I thought you meant cracking joints (as in weed) in half is beyond me... Wow...
This made me giggle; Gotta love double-meanings in words!
Does this make enough sense? If not, please feel free to ask for clarification! ^_^