Joker wrote:
I often deal with having a short temper, when I get mad my face turns red. It get really bad some times I just wana break bones and fight. Still trying to controle it but nothing seems to work.
I have a very short temper too and I still cant control it all the way either! I have tamed it a great deal though! I just try to avoid confrontation all together! If my mom wants to argue and send stupid texts, I shut my phone off. If my sister is being a b***h then i just go outside and go for a run or shoot some hoops. Even go to the library.
I cannot handle confrontation at all. So the best way to deal with it is avoid it completely. I remember kicking my little sisters head through the wall because she was making fun of me for not being able to hold conversations and calling me a ret*d. I sat there and argued with her and couldn't keep up and just became frustrated and went off. I of course went to jail lol
As for objects....that's a different story! I have broken 4 laptops, 2 TV's, walls, doors, cars, a $500 phones! Thank good for insurance right!! Sometimes it is the objects fault or it was just there so i took my anger out on it. Like sometimes my phones browser acts all wacky and i get really mad and have to put it down. I have continued to use it in the past when it acted up and that led to me smashing the phone. I have learned from that mistake! Sometimes my laptop will freeze if i am running it off of a USB. I will scream obscenities and punch the keyboard. Again i have learned to put things aside now before I break them! I find myself screaming and yelling at things or out loud in general because i am so mad at something! I probably look crazy!
What ever the case may be, it all balls down to avoiding the soon to be problem by walking away. People and things! That's what I do now. It took me 8 years to actually learn and achieve this level of zen I have. Which isnt much lol I still have a bad temper though. Not as bad as it used to be before i started walking away and avoiding. I just dont have the tolerance or coping skills to handle that kind of stuff and its way too overwhelming. Maybe that's why we get angry so easy???
Its the only thing that will work for me! Maybe give it a try.