Have I gone mad or has the world gone insane?

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28 Jun 2012, 4:25 pm

I am on the phone to a lady who works for a support service for people with disabilities in regards to sorting out my garden.

I have not been well enough to cut it due to vertigo and nausea issues (as well as blood pressure which is on its way up far beyond where it should be) and someone complained about the length of my grass (apparently). Anyway I explained to her that I have a lot of work to do for my University course as I am behind, have had 3 extensions already and that every time I try and study I get nothing but distractions and could this be sorted out after the deadline for my assignments in two weeks.

She pushes for a resolution now and I replied with "Would people rather I fail this course than wait two weeks for me to cut the garden" at which point she mumbled something and hung up on me!

Err ok, I was annoyed but where exactly was I rude enough to warrant them hanging up on me. It's not like I spat out a string of obscenities!

Bit of an OTT reaction on her part really...

I asked her politely, prior to my getting annoyed, if she could please give me a few days to think about things but she continued to push for a decision there and then...hence why she got the sharp annoyed tone of voice from me.

Best not to push me when I've not slept in two days, I have vertigo, nausea, am not eating properly because I feel too sick and am also on antibiotics for a sinus infection if they don't want to meet the annoyed tone of voice me.

I didn't even swear at her!

I yelled out in pain once when I was having problems with my back and a neighbour complained because they heard yelling in the small hours of the morning. The support services were rather unpleasant about it and gave me a lecture on how I can't yell like that...not one of the seemed to give a s**t I was in agony at the time!

All the same I need the assistance with my benefit forms because I am not well enough to work (just yet) and I ring back to confirm that she is dealing with that and her team manager rings back and says that they will ring me a day before the visit to make sure that I am in a place where it is safe to come and see me.

Wait! I used a harsh tone of voice, with no obscenities because she was pushing and now I am considered dangerous?


I appreciate they need to protect their safety when doing visits but I was hardly threatening and I have never been violent or physically aggressive towards anybody.

I don't need that kind of crap in my life, and it's not the first time she has blown something out of proportion, so I'll be saying bye bye to their services!

Am I going mad or something because this world and the way it thinks makes no sense to me! I really seriously don't get their reaction...speaking in an annoyed tone of voice is not 'losing it' when some pushy person won't accept your decision to want to 'think about it'.

And in other matters, the other day someone knocked on the door and when I didn't answer they just walked right in! A man who was a complete stranger to me and whom was rather drunk. He stood in my hallway rattling on about invitations which I knew nothing about. I had to ask him to leave several and times and then I had to half push him out of the door!

What is wrong with the world? It is so weird out there!


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28 Jun 2012, 5:08 pm

Well, there's no accounting for drunks & there never has been. :roll:

On the other stuff, tho', I agree. Get a little annoyed, look at someone a little cross-eyed & they're ready to call the SWAT team. But it's quite alright & perfectly understandable if they chew YOUR ass; it's because you're so unreasonable & hard to get along with. A real WTF is going on here.

I just had an email conversation w/a woman who is a clinical psychologist about a retreat she is conducting. I was trying to figure out how much of the food being served I would be able to eat, as I have celiac disease. I was perfectly prepared to provide my own food, I just needed to know how much. I got vague to no answers & when I tried again (no rudeness on my part, just trying to make my need to know clearer) I got my head bitten off in two separate emails & told to reflect on the errors of my ways.

Because I couldn't figure out where things had gone wrong in the conversation, I cut & pasted the correspondence & showed it to 4 NT friends, soliciting their insight & advice. I got back 4 different takes on where things had gone wrong & many people remarked that the other person was extremely vague & overreacted.

This sort of thing happens over & over. Many people think they convey a lot more information than they actually do & they get really pissed when you try & clarify things w/them.

I do think the world is getting crazier... too many people or too much media BS? Too much emphasis on happy, happy, happy, glad to be your doormat thinking? IDK Very frustrating, tho :wall:


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28 Jun 2012, 5:09 pm

you seem to have a good handle on the situation, except i'm wondering how long it would take to mow your yard. here we get fines if we don't mow. you can't study 24/7. a break here and there refreshes the brain. it might be worth mowing it just to get rid of the hassle.

yes, the woman over-reacted. i would only ditch her, though, if you have a good alternative. can you ask for a different worker at the same place or is there a competitor you could swing your business to? and the drunk guy in your house sure does make the world seem crazy.


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28 Jun 2012, 5:24 pm

cathylynn wrote:
you seem to have a good handle on the situation, except i'm wondering how long it would take to mow your yard. here we get fines if we don't mow. you can't study 24/7. a break here and there refreshes the brain. it might be worth mowing it just to get rid of the hassle.

yes, the woman over-reacted. i would only ditch her, though, if you have a good alternative. can you ask for a different worker at the same place or is there a competitor you could swing your business to? and the drunk guy in your house sure does make the world seem crazy.

I have been having vertigo issues along with motion sickness, migraines, fatigue, nausea, neurological type symptoms, bad brain fog and up until recently digestive issues. I have on most days been stuck in bed feeling too ill to get up or do anything.

I have 4 days to complete an assignment (and this is my 3rd extension) and then another week to complete a second assignment. I have not even started the reading yet as the vertigo makes it hard to read (it makes me nauseous). I have housework to do, forms to fill out, a special diet to maintain and I have to cope with being unwell still and having limited ability to get things done.

*I had been complaining to my drs for years about diarrhoea that was getting so bad it was uncontrollable along with other digestive issues. They merely said it was anxiety or IBS. I tried all the diets for IBS and I tried all the relaxation and meds for anxiety. Nothing worked. A few months ago I went on the paleo diet (no processed foods, no diary, no grains) and the digestive issues disappeared...however, I am still waiting for other stuff to wear off properly. I have a question mark over their diagnosis as I have a brother with celiac disease and if I try to put dairy or grains back in I get a vile reaction to them!

Anyway, I still have limited energy as I really don't feel completely well yet. I need rest time in between my study time as it fatigues me. I am also not happy using an electric mower with a blade when I am suffering from vertigo...it's probably not a good idea.

I really have been feeling rather ill....I have been bed bound for a year until I went on the paleo diet and now things are improving but they still have some way to go before I can stay out of bed all day every day without rest periods...

I am just not well enough to do both the garden, keep my diet going (cooking my food) and complete those assignments. I don't want to drop the course or assignments as I am managing to get straight A grades even if I need extension to get them completed due to feeling so bad.

My drs are useless, don't help and just put everything down to depression and anxiety...yet the fact that my diarrhoea responded only to the removal of processed foods, dairy and grains really indicates it was something else (something physical).

I am doing my best to sort things out!


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28 Jun 2012, 5:32 pm

it's the world not you.Some places will let you plant wildflowers and then you don't have to mow.People waste so much water and put out so many toxic lawn chemicals to attain that perfect poisonous green lawn.Seriously, how can people think it's safe to let Jr. Or fido romp on a toxic waste dump of a lawn.Plus the average lawn mower pumps out as much hydrocarbons as a automobile.Also when people crew cut their lawn it removes all the habitat for all the little creatures that live in the grass such as bugs,lizards, and toads.Maybe you could get some lee way if you said you were greenscaping.


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28 Jun 2012, 5:43 pm

Misslizard wrote:
it's the world not you.Some places will let you plant wildflowers and then you don't have to mow.People waste so much water and put out so many toxic lawn chemicals to attain that perfect poisonous green lawn.Seriously, how can people think it's safe to let Jr. Or fido romp on a toxic waste dump of a lawn.Plus the average lawn mower pumps out as much hydrocarbons as a automobile.Also when people crew cut their lawn it removes all the habitat for all the little creatures that live in the grass such as bugs,lizards, and toads.Maybe you could get some lee way if you said you were greenscaping.

Well given my interest in palaeolithic nutrition and lifestyles I was enjoying the slightly wild/natural feel of the garden but they want it to look man made so man made it must look. Humans have to control everything!

And yes, many critters will be made homeless...Also have some lovely wild flows out there amidst the grass..


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28 Jun 2012, 5:49 pm

I don't get it. Are these people paying for your housing or something? I don't understand who they are.


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28 Jun 2012, 6:04 pm

Rascal77s wrote:
I don't get it. Are these people paying for your housing or something? I don't understand who they are.

Support worker like a social worker who help me out with medical and benefit forms etc


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28 Jun 2012, 6:16 pm

Pay a neighbor kid $5 to mow your lawn each week until you are well enough to do it yourself. As for the drunk, how come your door wasn't locked? DUH!! ! If you have been leaving it unlocked for help to come in, try leaving a key with a neighbor who is usually at home, so they can let the help in.

Many years ago someone on something--drugs and/or booze --tried to talk his way into the town house apartment my mother and I were living in at the time. It was late at night, and we were not expecting anyone, and the dog was freaking out because he knew this wasn't normal. I didn't open the door, I went to the kitchen window and spoke to the creep through that. The jerk kept insisting that this was where the party was that he was invited to. HUH!! ! Naturally, I didn't open the door, and told him to go away. Even the dog barking and my mother talking from her room up above didn't discourage the jerk. Although he finally left the front door, he snuck around the block of apartments to the back. It was a hot night, and I had the sliding doors open with just the screen across, while watching TV in the living room. Suddenly the dog went nuts by the back door, so I knew the creep was right out back. I immediately shut and locked the sliding door. Should have called the police at that point. The neighbors were okay about the dog barking late at night that time. He was not a problem barker, and this was a barking emergency--he was doing his job. I miss that dog--he eventually got cancer and had to be put down. :(

Anyway, lock your doors, and hire a kid to deal with lawn mowing. And get well soon! :D

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28 Jun 2012, 6:55 pm

It'll probably cost more than $5 to get someone to mow your lawn. Can you trade something w/a kindly neighbor? Since you're cooking anyway, a home-cooked meal for them?

I've recently switched to the paleo diet, more out of curiosity than anything else. Dropped 10# easily & when I stick to it, I'm rarely hungry, don't have the constant munchies like I did before. And I ate a pretty healthy diet before, w/lots of homemade whole grain bread, other whole grains & bread. I've since discovered I have celiac, tho' dairy doesn't seem to be an issue for me. In fact, if I DON'T have milk regularly, I get leg cramps.

It's going to take a long time for your body to heal from all the damage done by an inappropriate diet for you. I think it's quite impressive how determined you are to complete your classes in the face of so many challenges. If I were nearby, I'd come mow your stupid lawn. Gratis. But I've got a feeling you're over the pond. :wink:


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28 Jun 2012, 7:32 pm

Just let it go, the stress for you is not worth all this drama here, and in your head at home.

Todays news is tomorrows fish and chip wrappings. People are being shot and others are dying from disease


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29 Jun 2012, 7:08 am

Surfman wrote:
Just let it go, the stress for you is not worth all this drama here, and in your head at home.

Todays news is tomorrows fish and chip wrappings. People are being shot and others are dying from disease

I am happy to just walk away from them but there is the complication of my ESA. If I lose that, at a time when I am not physically capable of working, I lose my whole income. That could be a problem as I am in no fit condition due to the vertigo and migraines etc to find work and maintain it. I will have to face ATOS alone and they are vicious when it comes to trying to get people off the benefit (people who were not fit for work have been deemed fit so keen are they get people off of government benefits in the UK...there has been a lot of fuss about it). It is much better if you have a representative especially in my case as I can be socially shy/awkward in some contexts. I also need time to think about things before answering people and they rush me! So I get flustered....it usually does not go well when I am on my own at these kinds of appointments. It is much easier to communicate with people when I can rattle on about my interests instead lol


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29 Jun 2012, 7:09 am

Surfman wrote:
Todays news is tomorrows fish and chip wrappings.

We haven't used newspaper to wrap fish and chips here since the 1980s. ;)


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29 Jun 2012, 4:27 pm

bumble wrote:
Rascal77s wrote:
I don't get it. Are these people paying for your housing or something? I don't understand who they are.

Support worker like a social worker who help me out with medical and benefit forms etc

I'm just wondering which part of their mandate requires them to treat people like children and micro manage them.


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29 Jun 2012, 4:38 pm

Rascal77s wrote:
bumble wrote:
Rascal77s wrote:
I don't get it. Are these people paying for your housing or something? I don't understand who they are.

Support worker like a social worker who help me out with medical and benefit forms etc

I'm just wondering which part of their mandate requires them to treat people like children and micro manage them.

Ignoring my terrible English in the quote you quoted...

I feel as though she has decided that I am an idiot who cannot make my own decisions. People tend to do that, most often because I am socially awkward. They seem to think it means I have a low IQ which frustrates me because academically I am an A grade average and am probably smarter than they are (in some cases anyway)!

When all is said and done though, regardless of who is smarter, I find the way they treat me humiliating (mortifying actually) which is why I will be avoiding support services in the future.

I know some of them might not be like that, but honestly, I am less distressed and upset without them in my life. I just keep having meltdowns over the way they are treating me otherwise and it's taking it's toll on me.


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29 Jun 2012, 4:57 pm

And that is another thing they don't understand...my meltdowns.

Left alone I KNOW how to avoid them and can go years without one, but when people start taking over my life I become very distressed very quickly and end up walking around my house ranting/yelling at myself.

However, I am NOT violent during these times and would not hurt anyone!! !! !! !!

They think I am angry but I am very very upset and cannot seem to get them to understand why. I also cannot get them to understand that it is the way they are treating me that is triggering them and so they just carry on treating me the way they always do. Because to them my meltdowns amount to 'strange behaviour' they seem to think they can normalise me and push for things like anger management. I all ready know how to control them and they only happen when I am very distressed and am not being listened to...

They are also harmless...noisey...but harmless. I don't yell at people, I isolate myself when I feel one coming because I know when it starts it needs to run its course. I am not in complete control of it and I know it is not considered to be normal but I cannot completely stop it from happening once it starts...I am too upset by that point. I can stop it from happening by removing myself from the situation that is triggering it but people won't always let me do that...they push me and that makes it worse.

As does someone going 'awwww', trying to give me a hug or trying to calm me with faulty logic that comes from their world and which has so many holes in it you could strain your Sunday veg with it! I know in their own way they are trying to help, but seriously at that point my brain is now reading them as being bloody patronising. Especially when they clearly have no understanding of what is going on and probably never will.

Really I would have fewer meltdowns without them constantly taking over my life and treating me like an idiot!! ! Left alone I am calmer and happier and can potter around doing my own thing without people trying to 'make' me into what they think I should be or labelling me insane or mentally challenged just because I am a bit too quirky for them....

God! That irritates me.

And yet my ranting/yelling is considered weird but it is perfectly acceptable for people to go out and get drunk, gossip and b***h at each other, bully each other and get into fights all in the name of relieving their stress...

Err my yelling is harmless...many of those more acceptable (so called sane behaviours) are not!! !! !! !

Society is nuts!