The only thing I ask is that if you post a negative response you've received, you also try to post a positive one.
How have people reacted to your ASD? This could be meltdowns, social quirks, special interests, etc. And the reactions could come from family, friends, folks online, etc. Anyone!
I'll start with a positive; A few weeks ago, I had an "I want to be normal" meltdown in response to constantly losing something. (always the same object, but I lose many things; I seem to have very poor short term memory) Even though my BF didn't know exactly what to do (I'm generally not outwardly emotional at all) he was a champ, and sat up with me until I stopped crying, then told me about how for the past few years, he'd gotten majorly depressed and questioned the point of life. He then told me that since we started dating, he hasn't had those feelings once, and for that, he wouldn't change who I am for the world. He told me he'd be there to help me work through the issues I have, including losing things all the time, without question.
For a negative; When I told my step-dad about my potential AS, he responded with "that's stupid. There's nothing wrong with you, you just choose to hate people and avoid them. You have a BF now, that proves there's nothing wrong" and countered everything I said with a verbose version of "quit making sh*t up" which I found immensely hurtful. I have not talked to him about it since, although he has tried to bring it up several times, no doubt to ruffle my feathers, so to speak.
Does this make enough sense? If not, please feel free to ask for clarification! ^_^