Wandering_Stranger wrote:
Isn't this common in people with Dyslexia?
Ahh, yes, my bad. I were too quick to answer.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyslexia#S ... d_symptomsQuote:
Some early symptoms that correlate with a later diagnosis of dyslexia include delays in speech, letter reversal or mirror writing, and being easily distracted by background noise.
I believe reading 4060 as 6040 is relevant to Dyslexia.
...but then again Dyscalculia have these symptoms:
Often unable to grasp and remember mathematical concepts, rules, formulae, and sequences
AQ: 42/50 || SQ: 32/80 || IQ(RPM): 138 || IRI-empathytest(PT/EC/FS/PD): 10(-7)/16(-3)/19(+3)/19(+10) || Alexithymia: 148/185 || Aspie-quiz: AS 133/200, NT 56/200