Moondust wrote:
Raziel, in WP I see everyone talking so freely about Autism and AS with their therapists, parents, educators, even employers, that I thought that in the 1st. world countries it was surprisingly widespread knowledge now... I wonder why it's so different in the Anglo-Saxon countries from the rest of the world. Maybe because a lot of research isn't translated into their language...
I have the feeling it's not just that.
My psychiatrist can read english, but then she is just used to diagnose in a sertain way, because "everyone" is doing it. In Germany there are some view psychiatrists who started diagnosing autism a view years ago, so in some areas it is getting more and more "normal". My psychiatry in my city stared with an autismambulance last year and they are soooo terrible clichée and just diagnose something else in a lot of cases, who have been diagnosed as autistic from the view German expert that exist.
So far I know autism is common as a diagnoses in the anglo-saxon countries and the scandinavian countries.
I don't know if my psychiatrist will recognice autism at least in some cases after meeting me. I'm her first patient diagnosed with autism. At least I hope so.
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen