I think the opposite of autism is plethism, what we call neurotypicalism here.
Plethism: being naturally tuned into people as social beings in social groups
Autism: natural lack of plethism
In terms of visual perception, the autistic brain tends to see thing as physical details devoid of social meaning. An autistic person looking someone in the eye may notice the iris specks, iris ring, iris color, sclera color, veins, eye shape, eyelid creases, eye corner wrinkles, eyelash length, eyelash curl, eyebrow shape, eyebrow thickness, eyebrow length, single eyebrows that are much longer than most other eyebrows, etc, while not mentalizing about the person's state of mind behind the eyes. A plethistic person may mentalize extensively, including reading way too much into what is not there or projecting themselves onto the person, while missing the physical details of the eye region.