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11 Jul 2012, 9:46 pm

A lot of autistic people get asked to fill our self-report scales about themselves, answering whether they strongly agree, slightly agree, slightly disagree or strongly disagree to something like 'I often notice small sounds that others do not'. My question is, what are people actually thinking when they fill out these scales? What do they think a 'strongly agree' answer would actually look like, for example? Does this differ between autistic people and NTs?

To answer this question, I've made an online survey, and I'd really appreciate if some of you filled it out:


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11 Jul 2012, 10:49 pm



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11 Jul 2012, 11:03 pm

I find this really hard to fill out.......I'm not sure exactly how to interpret these questions either.


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12 Jul 2012, 1:17 am

Hi, I like the idea of this survey. I found it difficult to fill out, however, for a couple of reasons:

1. The text boxes aren't long enough so I can't see what I have typed.

2. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "Please describe what characteristics you think someone giving each response would have. Be specific.". I'll give you an example of how I would answer these questions, by showing you my answers for the first one. For the rest, the parts in bold can basically be replaced with the relevant text for each question.

Question 1 - I often notice small sounds when others do not.

Please describe what characteristics you think someone giving each response would have. Be specific.
Someone who says definitely agree: They often notice small sounds when others do not.
Someone who says slightly agree: They notice small sounds when others do not more than other people.
Someone who says slightly disagree: They don't notice small sounds when others do not any more than other people.
Someone who says strongly disagree: They notice small sounds when others do not less often than other people.

If you were wanting something more specific than that, then I'm not sure what you are after. Can you be more specific in explaining what you mean by "describe what characteristics"?

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12 Jul 2012, 6:30 am

I just completed the survey and also found the directions and questions vague. I did the AQ and answered the questions based on my responses. Was I also supposed to answer for the other three possibilities? Were you asking for behaviours and traits?

Is it possible to change the text boxes to ones that can be expanded?

Are you going to share the results?

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