An Aspie's social awkwardness should be easier to manage on, say, an online forum such as WP, wouldn't you think? It would all depend on the Aspie in question, I'd think, but say that person is kind of awkward in person, (better over the years) but understands a lot of NT behavior - a middle-of-the-road Aspie. Would that Aspie PROBABLY be more clearly understood here?
I'm either running into a personal roadblock that has AS written all over it, or someone else is facing their own troubles, loudly and rudely, all up in my face on WP. I read and re-read the messages back and forth and can't figure out what set the other person off. This sort of thing feels like a huge failure to communicate - in a place I'm excitedly trying to communicate within....
I've essentially walked away from the person; that is not the question. I just want to dissect it and understand it better so I don't set someone else off, or run into someone else who is so ready to start name-calling.
I also realize that in this instance, I can't rule that the other person is exceptionally dimwitted or so bad at communication that it affects online etiquette, because I just don't know. It could very well be me.
For you, IS IT GENERALLY EASIER TO COMMUNICATE IN TYPED FORMAT? Understanding that question - for me at least - will answer many more. Thank you for your time.
I wrote a novel once... for ten years. I'm on page 4.