How, common is Depression, Anxiety in NVLD?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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08 Jul 2012, 3:52 pm

How common is Depression, Anxiety, Psychosomatic problems etc in NVLD without Asperger?

How does prevalence compare to the Asperger population?

I am thinking of those that would pass the scientific criteria (I guess professionals see the more severe cases, so that would not give a correct picture)


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08 Jul 2012, 3:58 pm

I was diagnosed with both since like 5th grade, but it was only later I learned I had NLD. Psychs pretty much thought I was a mystery or something until I got my NVLD/AS diagnosis and were like "Oh..." So I'd guess pretty common. For me, though, I'm alexithymic, so I never really knew when I was depressed or anxious, people would just tell me I was.

As far as NVLD without AS, that's a tricky one, as most psychs I talk to say I have AS, and then when I argue I only have NVLD, they're like "aha, you're being too technical, obviously you got AS." So I think for most people, NVLD manifests pretty similar to AS, so that psychiatrists will say it's diagnostically the same. I've brought up my belief in other threads, that AS is diagnostically the same as saying someone has fibromyalgia, chronic pain, etc, manifests the same symptoms, but the treatment for people with them can be drastically different. There's people with AS for example, that have almost an opposite PIQ/VIQ gap as NVLDers.

For me I found out eating well, getting enough sleep, vitamins, etc, alleviates lots of the "feeling bad" I get. As a kid, before 5th grade, my dad gave me vitamins, all my meals were home cooked and mostly organic, had lots of veggies and meat in the diet, and yeah. Then, my parent's got divorced and my mother couldn't cook, so I got all processed food. Instantly "depressed" and my weight shot up. So I'd say at least in my experience with NVLD, the severity of symptoms is largely related to nutrition and activity level (exercise.)

I doubt you'll find much answers, as people pretty much don't care about NVLD at all. Nobody really researchs it, and people want to chase after phantoms with psychology rather than looking at the actual causes of things.


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08 Jul 2012, 4:32 pm

I don't know NVLD specifically; I do know that anxiety and depression are more common for people with learning disabilities in general, especially those who are not getting enough help, or any help at all.

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08 Jul 2012, 6:04 pm

I'm self-diagnosed with NLVD. I got me an AS diagnosis just to secure Social Security assistance, because for NLVD they don't give anything here. I lived all my life with great anxiety and depression, but that's not because of the NLVD but because of the massive rejection from people. I take an antidepressant nowadays, and it helps very much.

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08 Jul 2012, 8:01 pm

Very common. I don't know how it compares to AS, but people with NLD are more likely to be anxious and depressed than people with other learning disabilities. There are higher rates of suicide in the NLD population as well.

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08 Jul 2012, 8:52 pm

LostInSpace wrote:
Very common. I don't know how it compares to AS, but people with NLD are more likely to be anxious and depressed than people with other learning disabilities. There are higher rates of suicide in the NLD population as well.

Ya ...I've heard about the higher suicide rate in those with NVLD. I don't know how it compares to AS in terms of rates of anxiety/depression. There certainly isn't as much research on NVLD as there is on AS ,unfortunately I think the research on NVLD is rather sparse. It's possible that particular comparison has never been made. I've been (professionally) diagnosed with NVLD and AS as well as Generalized Anxiety Disorder and have bouts of clinical depression (I collect developmental/mental disorders) :lol:


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09 Jul 2012, 7:54 am

I'm a living, breathing example of someone with NVLD, AS, OCD, and panic attacks. Basically, depression and generalized anxiety are comorbid with MOST neuropsych diagnoses.

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09 Jul 2012, 7:58 am

mrsmith wrote:
How common is Depression, Anxiety, Psychosomatic problems etc in NVLD without Asperger?

They're nearly ubiquitous among those with NLD whether or not those people also fit the profile of Asperger's.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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10 Jul 2012, 3:07 am

Is it like you should be happy to have anxiety, because then you are less likely to have depression.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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13 Jul 2012, 1:31 pm

1000Knives wrote:
There's people with AS for example, that have almost an opposite PIQ/VIQ gap as NVLDers. .

Not if AS is Asperger Syndrome. Then its about 80% NVLD.

As NVLD is 2.5% of the population and ASD is 1%, typical individuals would be quite different.
For male NVLD it should be around 0.5 - 1 % (points) ASD, mostly AS. Some more should be close to the limit (but different from a typical AS individual).


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29 Oct 2014, 10:07 am

1000Knives wrote:
I was diagnosed with both since like 5th grade, but it was only later I learned I had NLD. Psychs pretty much thought I was a mystery or something until I got my NVLD/AS diagnosis and were like "Oh..." So I'd guess pretty common. For me, though, I'm alexithymic, so I never really knew when I was depressed or anxious, people would just tell me I was.

As far as NVLD without AS, that's a tricky one, as most psychs I talk to say I have AS, and then when I argue I only have NVLD, they're like "aha, you're being too technical, obviously you got AS." So I think for most people, NVLD manifests pretty similar to AS, so that psychiatrists will say it's diagnostically the same. I've brought up my belief in other threads, that AS is diagnostically the same as saying someone has fibromyalgia, chronic pain, etc, manifests the same symptoms, but the treatment for people with them can be drastically different. There's people with AS for example, that have almost an opposite PIQ/VIQ gap as NVLDers.

I think that you have both AS and NVLD. AS should be only "psychological" and "psychiatric" term, not a form of "classic" autism. Autism is not a spectrum, it is a ballpark. There are "Kanner's" balls, "NVLD" balls and many other in it. Not only "Kanner's" ones!

I was diagnosed with just AS but I think that I would be diagnosed as pure NLD in America. I had early speech development, think in words, although I like maps and colors and have not dyscalculia. I think that "NVLD" is a PDD, a type of "soft" autism, not just a "learning disability". "NLD" is serious and complex developmental disorder, which can have negative symptoms in practically all areas: social, emotional, behavioral, thinking, cognitive, motoric, sensory, speech, language.

I have atypical emotions. I have inadequate "shame". It caused some strange rituals such as not using some vehicles because they were somewhat "ugly" or have "something "bad" on it" (it was before school age). My interests were quite strange, not so practical, somewhat obsessive, stereotypical and restricted. But I had and have MANY of them, but they are rather impractical. Some people also were "obsessions". I was described as hyperactive or even hyperkinetic.

I had strange fantasies (such as about special powers, some sort of "grandiosity") and ideas and a lot of magical thinking earlier (which causes rituals). I have quite severe physical and existential fears, but I do not think about my future job so much. I want to have a job, but don't know what will it be. I think that I have "sluggish cognitive tempo".

I am not so depressed, but I have severe problems with anxiety. I was told that I had a "bookish" case of OCD about 6 years ago. I thought about NLD very much, I did not want having just a learning disorder instead of the PDD/AS/ASD. It is "abnormal" idea, but I think that AS and autism are not well defined. Typical autism (PDD) is about limited social skills and (or) interests and obsessiveness, some form of "unsuitability to world" for me, not about having "rigid mind". NLD is just a visual-spatial learning disorder and dyssemic symptoms are not NLD traits, dyssemia is an autistic trait, a very important one.


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06 Nov 2014, 3:14 am

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