This is for people with autism, AS, PDD-NOS, or autism of any kind, whether it is professionally diagnosed, self diagnosed, or whether you suspect that you might have it. I ask NTs not to vote, but I included a poll option so you can see the results. (nevermind... I messed up making the poll so there is no option. NTs, vote however you want. If a mod could modify the poll so it includes a "Show me the results" option, I would greatly appreciate it.)
Regardless whether you're on the spectrum or NT, please weigh in on what you play (even if it's nothing), if you wish.
Also, if you do not play anything, then if you wish, explain why, or explain your relationship to music. If you wish, tell us whether you've tried seriously to play one or not, how it's worked out, etc.
I'm wondering if coordination between limbs might cause difficulties for those who do not play one, or who do play one, but play one (or more) that does not require a lot of coordination between limbs, or play one that does require coordination between limbs, but in a way that does not complicate that coordination.
I mainly want to see how many people on the spectrum play instruments, and how often.
This post is not in the music forum, because I want opinions and results from those who are totally uninterested in music, who might never visit the art writing and music forum, in addition to those who are interested in music. I myself rarely ever visit the art writing and music forum, and my life really revolves around music - especially playing it. It is posted in general autism discussion because I want good sample diversity.
As for me - I play many instruments, every single day. If I play an instrument seriously, I play it every single day for at least 30 minutes, in order to maintain my 'chops' - or in other words, ability to play.
My main instruments and experience (experience is not in order, only time I devote each day to playing) go in this order:
1. Bass, 14 years (primarily fretless electric bass, but I used to play upright when I still had one)
2. Piano, 2.75 years
3. Guitar, 12 years (bass experience transfers over and contributes, and vice versa)
4. Melodica, 7 months (uses musical keyboard like piano, so piano experience transfers over)
5. Ocarina, 5 years (to be specific - only 12 hole ocarina)
All instruments listed above, I play every day. I play many others, such as flute (my sister played it in high school, so I use hers), but do not devote time to them every day. If forced to pick one I would pick bass.
Last edited by Atomsk on 12 Jul 2012, 3:05 am, edited 2 times in total.