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Do you play an instrument?
Yes - in fact I play at least one or more instruments every single day. 18%  18%  [ 14 ]
Yes - I play one or more instruments several times a week. 24%  24%  [ 18 ]
Yes - I play at one or more instruments occasionally (less than every week). 41%  41%  [ 31 ]
I do not play any musical instruments. 17%  17%  [ 13 ]
Total votes : 76


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12 Jul 2012, 1:53 am

This is for people with autism, AS, PDD-NOS, or autism of any kind, whether it is professionally diagnosed, self diagnosed, or whether you suspect that you might have it. I ask NTs not to vote, but I included a poll option so you can see the results. (nevermind... I messed up making the poll so there is no option. NTs, vote however you want. If a mod could modify the poll so it includes a "Show me the results" option, I would greatly appreciate it.)

Regardless whether you're on the spectrum or NT, please weigh in on what you play (even if it's nothing), if you wish.

Also, if you do not play anything, then if you wish, explain why, or explain your relationship to music. If you wish, tell us whether you've tried seriously to play one or not, how it's worked out, etc.

I'm wondering if coordination between limbs might cause difficulties for those who do not play one, or who do play one, but play one (or more) that does not require a lot of coordination between limbs, or play one that does require coordination between limbs, but in a way that does not complicate that coordination.

I mainly want to see how many people on the spectrum play instruments, and how often.

This post is not in the music forum, because I want opinions and results from those who are totally uninterested in music, who might never visit the art writing and music forum, in addition to those who are interested in music. I myself rarely ever visit the art writing and music forum, and my life really revolves around music - especially playing it. It is posted in general autism discussion because I want good sample diversity.

As for me - I play many instruments, every single day. If I play an instrument seriously, I play it every single day for at least 30 minutes, in order to maintain my 'chops' - or in other words, ability to play.

My main instruments and experience (experience is not in order, only time I devote each day to playing) go in this order:
1. Bass, 14 years (primarily fretless electric bass, but I used to play upright when I still had one)
2. Piano, 2.75 years
3. Guitar, 12 years (bass experience transfers over and contributes, and vice versa)
4. Melodica, 7 months (uses musical keyboard like piano, so piano experience transfers over)
5. Ocarina, 5 years (to be specific - only 12 hole ocarina)

All instruments listed above, I play every day. I play many others, such as flute (my sister played it in high school, so I use hers), but do not devote time to them every day. If forced to pick one I would pick bass.

Last edited by Atomsk on 12 Jul 2012, 3:05 am, edited 2 times in total.


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12 Jul 2012, 2:02 am

I play the drums and I used to play them around about everyday, but I haven't really had the chance to lately because no longer have access to a kit; I have finished school and am now waiting another month for my mum to but me one.


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12 Jul 2012, 2:51 am

I too play the drums. I dont get to play as much these days because I live in a set of units and I dont own a drumkit anymore but when I do get a chance to play the drums I have a jam with friends and play Jazz music.

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12 Jul 2012, 2:52 am


I play guitar daily. I'm pretty decent at it too, if I do say so myself. I play in fingerstyle on a nylon string guitar, I prefer the sound and textural range of the classical guitar greatly over steel string guitar. Though I do plan to get a steel string guitar, I quite enjoy that classic folksy sound. I play in a lot of weird (well to the average guitarist, I see nothing strange about them) tunings, I can't really play in standard, I find it too limiting and flat. I play in the folk, jazz, blues and gypsy jazz styles.

I'm also teaching myself violin. Though to be quite honest, I haven't really practiced enough.

And I play the piano sometimes too. I could actually be really good, I think, but I haven't the passion for it. I prefer the organ or similar instruments over piano.

I play various other instruments as well, but very, very rarely


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12 Jul 2012, 2:57 am

Ocarina - Focalink double alto C
Native American Cedar Flute

Theoretically concert flute, but it's the most neglected.

No real clue about accumulated time on each. Ocarina has the most at several years.

Your Aspie score: 186 of 200
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12 Jul 2012, 2:59 am

I want to add that my favorite styles, and the styles I play the most on my own, are the many genres of jazz. It's nice to see that others in this thread also play jazz. I think it's music for musicians.

I don't play drums at all - at least drum set. I do quite well with hand drums, and with a drum kit the times I've tried - but I want to save learning drums for if I want to, or need to prove to someone that I can learn drums very fast. (I pick up new instruments very fast)

For example, on ocarina, I was able to play just about anything I wanted to within the first 24 hours of getting mine in the mail. With piano, in 2.75 years I have gotten better than every single pianist I know personally - including many who have played their entire lives. Another example, the other week I got to play a banjo for the first time, and within 3 minutes I was playing complex chords on it and doing a lot of cool sounding stuff (I'm very good with stringed instruments in particular, since I've been playing them for 14 years).


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12 Jul 2012, 3:09 am

When I was a young man I dreamed of touring the world with U2, lying in the tropical sun with Sting, and swigging Piña coladas with Peter Gabriel at some seedy dive in San Juan Capistrano. I still have quite a few instruments (12 guitars, a melodica, a Korg SV-1 88 key electronic keyboard, and a violin) but I'm an aspie. Yeah. I'm in my writing phase these days and my instruments are just collecting dust. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day and my current focus is on writing.


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12 Jul 2012, 3:11 am

I played flute in elementary school but my high school didn't have a music program so my lessons stopped, I continued to play it and a tin whistle for fun on and off for years after. I also took bagpipe lessons for a few months until the person I carpooled with quit. I almost never play now because my son (autistic) complains non-stop when I do, he does the same to his father who's a drummer, hope he outgrows that soon.


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12 Jul 2012, 3:26 am

redrobin62 wrote:
When I was a young man I dreamed of touring the world with U2, lying in the tropical sun with Sting, and swigging Piña coladas with Peter Gabriel at some seedy dive in San Juan Capistrano. I still have quite a few instruments (12 guitars, a melodica, a Korg SV-1 88 key electronic keyboard, and a violin) but I'm an aspie. Yeah. I'm in my writing phase these days and my instruments are just collecting dust. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day and my current focus is on writing.

I understand the nature of shifting focus - I neglect my language learning/practice these days, a former special interest of mine.

One of my bandmates has a $10,000 keyboard setup - Korg Triton extreme (88 keys, weighted, tube preamp built in) - this synth makes mine (Roland Juno-G) look like a toy! He also has a Nord C1 organ, and a very nice Leslie rotary speaker to go with it. (not to mention a Roland combo amp he puts on top of the Leslie).

He also has a great melodica - a Hammond 44 <drool>.

I hope you return to your instruments eventually - no offense but I always feel sorry for instruments that are gathering dust - although I hold nothing against you for letting them gather dust - again, I understand very well the nature of shifting focus.

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12 Jul 2012, 6:15 am

I love music---since toddlerhood---music opens up the imagination and inspires creativity.
I used to play mandoline and guitar---self taught 5-string banjo. Eventually, lost interest because I hate to sit for hours and practice, practice, practice every day. I don't have the patience.
But I have great respect for those who do enjoy playing instruments and who find music to be the heart-beat of their life.


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12 Jul 2012, 6:46 am

My instrument is quite obvious.

I play the tenor banjo to be precise. It's a hard practice, it's a heavy instrument.


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12 Jul 2012, 6:46 am

I am NT and I play the recorder. Well, I know how to play it, and just do not do that anymore. My husband is NT and he had never played an instrument. He says he has coordination problems, so he never even tried. Our Aspie daughter plays the recorder, too. She almost learned by herself, with a little help from my part (I thought her how to read the staff). She loves music very much. She does not play all the time, only when she feels like it. She also wants to learn to play the piano, but we haven not being able to find the time for her to do so. She just loves so many things and is into so many activities it is difficult to find the time.


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12 Jul 2012, 7:40 am

I sing, the voice is an instrument that needs to be looked after, and trained to use propperly in order to not be damaged. I am doing a bachelor of Teaching, Majoring in The Arts (music) and am doing Voice.


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12 Jul 2012, 7:44 am

I had first chair in band,play the flute and piccolo and I'm teaching myself the violin.I can read faster than most people so I had no trouble reading music.I took private lessons also.The biggest problem I had was when I hit a wrong note I always wanted to go back to the beginning(and I always know when I hit the wrong note).My teacher went over and over " play it thru,you don't stop in a concert!",I have ulnar nerve damage in my right hand so I can't play for extended periods anymore,it cramps up.But I love most music.


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12 Jul 2012, 10:11 am

I have fantastic rhythm, but have been asked more than once if I'm tone-deaf. :cry: I had some drums, but all I did was play along to the radio and piss off my neighbors. There was no money for lessons of any kind while I was growing up.

The only other instrument I had the slightest success playing was the accordion. I bought a practice accordion at a thrift store and took a couple of lessons. I taught myself to play "Kitty" by The Pogues up to the key change, then couldn't find it from there. Then my "friend" borrowed my accordion, moved away, and pawned it. :evil:


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12 Jul 2012, 11:47 am

I played trombone in school for 6 years.
I got a clarinet to play by myself (not in a band)
I taught myself how to play and I was able to play 2 or 3 songs the same day I got it. I learned how to play by ear because I was never really good at reading sheet music while playing.

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