bumble wrote:
Who else seems to have more of an affinity for animals than people and who has considered abandoning socialising in favour of spending more time with cute critters?
I have considered volunteering at a pet shelter, or at a vet's office. I have never actually done it, but if it were a cat only place, I would definitly enjoy it.
I have taken on the responsibility of giving away a litter of cats, leaving me with two of them. I have taken in a cat my sister could no longer have. I have taken in the cat my wife's brother could no longer have. Well, thats my four cats.
I do enjoy petting my cat more than I do socializing with others, but if I would become the crazy cat
man? No, I can't say I would do that, atleast not until I sit alone in a house with no family left.
Edit: I did do it as a kid though.. I hid underneath a cornertable with a cat and we fell asleep together while there was a family party upstairs.
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