Echo1030 wrote:
Cape Cod NSS (I'm a Caper as well)? Anyways, that's irrelevant. Just date. Have fun, enjoy each other's company. Doesn't have to be serious... summer romances are fun....and I think a better opportunity for learning more about yourself.
I work at Assateague Island National Seashore, but hey it is also a barrier island and in the NPS. What is your position at the park? I am a GS-04 Park Guide and my position is directly dealing with the conservation and management of the feral horses on the island. Do you have any advice on how to bring up the subject of me really liking him to him? I'm terrified at the thought of approaching him with that kind of info. This is the kind of situation where social anxieties can be crippling. I don't have his number, but I would probably be able to tell him in a txt if I did. That would be very impersonal, but it would make things more comfortable for me. Ugh I just have to toughen up at get over that fear and tell him face to face when an opportunity presents itself.