I'm not really sure where else to go about this issue, but I think I have Asperger's syndrome. I have related to a lot of articles and seen a lot of myself in the symptoms of Asperger's. Sorry if this is a long post, but bear with me. I tend to have very obsessive, narrow interests. For instance, I got interested in filming things and I wanted a specific model of camera. I learned everything I could about it, read reviews, watched reviews, everything I could do. For a while, it was all I would talk about. I feel that I am clumsy; I learned to ride a bike at age 11. As long as we're talking about clumsiness, I absolutely can't play soccer or basketball. I simply can't. I trip over my own feet playing soccer. I am very awkward; I just don't know how to react to some things. Also, I can't get a waitress's attention. It feels so weird to ask for something as simple as extra napkins or whatever. Everyone I meet has an impression that I'm intelligent. My teachers, parents, peers, etc. I love having a routine; I hate change. I develop habits extremely easily. I'm not very good at making friends, but when someone becomes friends with me, they tend to love me. In a relationship, I don't really know what to do. I show affection, but I do have a hard time verbalizing it when in person. The most I can do is "I love you," or "You're amazing," but nothing more than that. The thing is, I really want relationships, I'm just bad at creating them.
A big thing is that I can't empathize. I have a very hard time "standing in someone else's shoes." Someone, for example, will tell me that their grandmother has died, and I just won't know what to say, and I really won't care too much, even though I have had a grandmother die. It feels like I'm being rude ad mean.
Even with all those symptoms, I have reasons to think that I don't have Asperger's. I lack autistic behavior, like a sensory issue. I have a distaste to loud noises though. I will hear someone putting away silverware and get angry for some reason. It's weird. I had no delay or problem at any time with speaking.
The biggest thing is that I probably would have been diagnosed as a child. I'm only 14 (if knowing that helps), so at this day in age, a child with AS would not have gone unnoticed.
I don't really know where else to turn. I feel that if I tell a guidance counselor, my school will try to put me in special classes, but I doubt my school has a social skills class. The point is, I just want to know if I have Asperger's or not, and if I should get help. Thanks very much.