ok so I'm going into high school this upcoming school year and I'm really really nervous because I'm switching school districts so none of my old friends will be there.
anyway, at my old school I was labeled as "that shy, awkward girl" and I don't want that to happen again. So, what are some tips on making friends? Also, during class when people talk and don't pay attention to the teacher, I tend to shutdown (instead of meltdown) witch labels me as quiet or snobby. So I don't even know what to do during that.
also, I'm always last to finish math tests. Like, 15 minutes after everone else is done, I finish. So every one has to do nothing for 15 minutes and then they stare at me as I walk up to hand the test to the teacher. Its so annoying!
and gym class. I'm going to have to change into gym clothes infront of all the other girls, and I'm helpless when in comes to sports or anything involving coordination so I'm planning on failing that class.
does anyone have any suggestions?
I am a 14 year old girl.
I have synesthesia.
aspie quiz results: 172/200
I am suspected to have aspergers, but I'm not diagnosed.