Personally, I have Risperdal horror stories. Like, my husband wants me to hunt down a class-action suit and join it and he's probably justified horror stories. Like, this drug made a bad situation worse and two and a half years later we're still cleaning up the mess horror stories. Horribly horrifying horror stories.
I've heard other people say that the same drug gave them a quality of life they never thought they'd have (in a good way).
So there are some necessary questions before this conversation goes anywhere.
1) Why are they wanting you to take this drug??
1a) What are your specific complaints??
1b) What are their specific reasons??
Without answers to Question 1, this discussion does not proceed. If they cannot or will not answer Question 1, you need to see someone else, no other questions asked.
2) Does it stop at 0.5 milligrams?? Or is that a starter dose, with the understanding that it's going to go to 1 mg as soon as you're able to tolerate 0.5, then to 1.5 as soon as you're able to tolerate 1, then to 2 as soon as you're able to tolerate 1.5???
Those are things I want to know before I even try to discuss this with anyone.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"