IndieSoul wrote:
I wish I could offer support/insight but I haven't gone for official diagnosis yet. Have you thought about making a list of the reasons you suspect you have AS and bringing them to the appointment? I plan on doing this when I go. I tend to freeze up while talking to doctors and might not remember everything I want to say.
When my therapist first brought up the possibility of Asperger's, my parents didn't believe her. They, like many people, had misconceptions of what AS looks like (especially in females) and didn't believe that could be me. Then they did their research. We all did. Up until this point, none of us suspected autism. As a child I was always told that my awkwardness was in my head and that I was just a very shy introvert with slightly obscure interests (for a young teen anyways. I was the kid who brought psychology books and science textbooks to school to read for fun). They accept it now, though. We were talking the other day, and my dad told me about how he didn't believe my therapist until he started to consider all the little things - traits and quirks that couldn't be attributed to anything else. Whether or not I actually do have AS is still my biggest question. Even after reading about it and doing a lot of soul-searching (and taking a lot of online tests!), I still refuse to believe one way or the other before getting a second opinion. I guess I don't want to get used to believing something until I have as much reason to as possible. I literally need a straightforward, yes or no answer.
I hope this helps.
That's kind of similar to what I'm in right now, except my mom suspects it.
And I feel the same way about wanting to know a definite answer even though I, and yes.
Patchwork wrote:
They just ask you and your parents questions, nothing difficult or upsetting. I was diagnosed at 15, so I know how you feel. I think it would have been a lot easier for me to accept had I known when I was younger. When I was growing up I knew I was different, but I didn't know why.
Yes this is exactly how I feel. I've always felt different from everyone and it was evident I was, but no one took initiative to look further in to it, but only made superficial comments.