NateRiver wrote:
When I solve a problem, I tend to try to do everything at once.
Instead of re-organizing I rush in putting all of the information at once and I get confused.
Like a shape game, where you're meant to re-organize the shapes in the correct hole but instead I'm pushing all the shapes in one hole at once.
Anyone know how to stop this? And why?
I do the same. E.g. I have to do research about something. I will gather a lot of information, from important to tangential information and then I won't know how to start, where to start and how to organize all the information I gathered. And then I feel overwhelmed.
Sometimes, if I'm really confused, I'll try to draw a plan on a piece of paper with arrows and visualize how things are connected. And sometimes this helps me to organize everything.
Knowing / that I could walk seventeen miles through a ravine / in the heart of Toronto,
and never / directly see the city/ is of some comfort