rebbieh wrote:
I always thought I was good at identifying my emotions. I knew when I felt good and I knew when I felt bad. It wasn't until quite recently that I realised I'm actually quite rubbish at identifying emotions. When I feel bad/low/down I'm not sure what I'm feeling. I'm not sure if I feel anxious or depressed or frustrated etc. All I know is I'm feeling loads of negative emotions. I can't really tell the difference between some of them. I don't even understand why I can't do so.
I can definitely relate to what you've written because I used to think I was good at recognizing how I'm feeling as well, until it became apparent during my ADOS assessment with a Psychologist that I'm not; she asked me questions about how I can tell when I'm happy or sad etc, as well as how I identify when I'm angry. My answer to these questions was that I don't exactly know what I feel at the time, but it's usually different to my usual emotions, and that these peculiar emotions tend to distract me from my interests or whatever it is that I'm doing at the time. I also said that I was 'at a crossroads' between being in a state of happiness or sadness, or just not knowing what I be honest, those questions baffled me, and for that I took a while to answer them.
Last edited by KnarlyDUDE09 on 04 Aug 2012, 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.