High School was the most boring school I went to. I didn't get bored at preschool or Infacts school because I was too young to be bored, and I had to be took out of class a lot to go in the special ed group anyway so sometimes school could be fun. And it was never too easy for me, I always found it hard.
The OP's question does seem a little ironic though - you would of thought Aspies would be the ones who are willing to learn with counting and reading and all of that, and the NTs just wanting to play or talk to eachother and getting bored with logical tasks. Well, this was true in High School - the girls just sat putting make-up on in lessons and couldn't wait for breaktime or lunchtime where they can socialise with their friends and eat, and the boys couldn't wait to play football on the field with their mates and eat. Although I couldn't wait to eat, I found lunchtimes rather boring when I went through a stage of not having any friends to hang out with, but I did find lessons boring, like science, maths and english. Actually maths was sometimes all right because I was so hopeless at it that I got took out of maths class to have one-to-one lessons with a support worker, and although I was so slow and confused with maths, I still found it quite cosy to sit in a quiet room getting absorbed in a discussion about numbers. Science and english were more boring than maths. Sometimes we had science twice in one day, which bored me to tears!