SteelMaiden wrote:
outofplace wrote:
Also included would be tangential speech (you go off on multiple different directions), data dumping, and excessively self-referential speech.
Wow, I can seriously relate to that.
I ramble about a certain topic (the topic depends on what state my head is in), but when I ramble, I will cover all areas. I will incessantly ask never-ending lists of questions. Other times I will just ramble about a topic, and then go off on tangents, and ramble about those.
I also take great pleasure out of reciting train routes.
Wow, I do very similar things - within my own areas of interest, of course. I mean, anything that is within my areas of interests, I am prepared to give an entire ramble on. For example, if someone mentions a book I'm aware of, I jump to list the major themes, points of interest about it, history of the work, popularity, info on the author, etc. Or, for another example, if someone mentions a song (one that's from one my favorite genres) I can easily explain the album it came from (along with year), recording anecdotes, information on the composer/artist, etc. It's like this for everything I'm interested in.
I have just kind of learned that I need to control this, even though it is natural for me and I dislike holding back all of this information. In some ways, I feel that it's absurd that people wouldn't want to learn about things - though it's been necessary for me to learn that this isn't the case much of the time.