Sorry things didn't work out, but you can't force people to like or love you. Trying to do so only turns them off even more, and can lead to criminal charges of harassment, or even stalking. If you don't want to end up with a criminal record stop bugging her. Just send her one more note/email saying you are sorry things went wrong between the two of you, that you still care for her, but you won't try to force contact any more, and that you would like her to get in touch with you if and when she gets over her mad, if she later decides she wants to try again. Then don't contact her again in any way. At this point, she needs to be the one to initiate contact. In the mean time, you need to find other ways to occupy your time and your mind. Here are some suggestions for that:
- Exercise. It generates mood boosting endorphins.
- Read funny stories and watch funny shows. Humor also generates endorphins.
- Eat healthy, and enough of it. A healthier diet will boost your immune system and is also good for your mind. Skimping on amount of food leads to depression, crankiness, and being more prone to get sick.
- Get enough rest. Being tired leads to depression, crankiness, and being more prone to get sick, too.
- Listen to and/or play music. This is mood boosting.
- Take courses, either in person, or online. Some of the online ones are free. The in person ones are a good way to meet people.
- Volunteer. There are people worse off than we are, who would really appreciate the help. It's also a good way to meet people, and boost your self image and mood.
- Take up a hobby or join a club. These are good ways to meet people who share your interests.
- Get involved in community activities. Attend town meetings, events at local libraries and other local organizations. Attend local sporting events, fairs, and art shows. Attend and/or participate in local theater groups. Attend events held at local houses of worship. These are all great ways to meet people and boost your self image and mood.
- If you aren't working, try employment/or self employment. Great way to meet people, boost self image, put money in your wallet, gain experience. Perhaps you should consider self employment. There are many types to choose from.
>> Lawn mowing/yard work/gardening.
>> House cleaning.
>> Errand/shopping service.
>> Wait for service people, so the home owner/renter doesn't have to take time off from work.
>> House/pet sitting.
>> House chores for the elderly/disabled.
>> Handyman.
>> Tutor.
>> Computer maintenance/repair.
>> Website design.
>> Other website based businesses.
>> Paint houses indoor/outdoor.
There are many other self employment opportunities. Your local libraries will have books with lists and descriptions of them, so look into it.
Now, go and do something, and good luck!