I still feel very alien about the whole concept, even spending 16 hours in an autism spectrum conference over 2 days has not shed light on autism for me. I listened to 30 experts, authors and doctors.
I think i have my own issues with retaining information. I only absorb 10 % of what i hear and I am even more confused than before.
Also to the fact that each of us with ASD are as individual as people are individual. No two are the same. Also because my child doesnt even know herself why or what her issues are and what her feelings are.
I feel dissappointed because the experts say, when you want to know the child, go to the mother, she is the expert. Um, not in this situation, I am at a loss.
My daughters main symptoms out of the home are fear of talking and will only speak if directly spoken to, never spontaneous. So her life is very narrow.
She has little issues sensory wise, only some food textures and they are very minimal. So I feel that she is aspergers with not too many issues, but the issues are serious enough.
She worries about germs and chemicals.
My other beef about autism is the name change next year. Can you just imagine how the NTS will react then. Because before the diagnosis I assumed autism was quiet disabling.
Next year my daughter will have autism, and not aspergers.
I've heard the talk in the conference and for the life of me, couldnt repeat why they want to lump them all under one umbrella, I swear I have a learning disability.