You'd be surprised how many NT people die alone too. Some people outlive their friends, aren't close to their children, and just end up dying alone.
I know I will die alone because everybody I'm close to are way older than me, (my parents, my aunts and uncles etc, and even my boyfriend), and my cousins will probably get wrapped up in their own lives and move away, and I don't seem to make friends that well, and if I do it's usually with older people. I don't want to spend my whole young life worrying about that though, but I've already decided that I will put myself into an old people's home when I get old enough, even if I'm quite healthy. But I have a lot of ailments at my age now so I can see myself being old and slow before I'm 70, and will most probably get Alzheimer's, being so it's been known in elderly relatives of mine through generations and my grandmother has it. So social service will probably put me in a home anyway. At least then I can be looked after and not die alone. I don't particularly want to be found as a mummified corpse 5 years after I die alone in a bungalow or apartment or whatever. Yes I know I won't know about it because I will be dead, but it's still a disturbing feelings while you're alive to think that is how you will end. It's sad too.
I work in a care home and often I wish I was one of the elderly residents. They can choose to socialize if they want, if they don't then they have their own room to sit in, all have their own TV, and can go to sleep, and they have activities if they do want to have something to do to pass the time, and they are well-fed. As a 25-year-old that sounds rather boring, but when you're old you will think differently and will feel lucky to be in a care home.
Come to think of it, by the time I'm in a care home we will all probably be surfing the internet on our laptops and iphones.