Yeah, I experience this frequently. Sudden sounds, especially shrill ones can set me on edge. A screaming infant can push me over. Actually, that is worse as stress comes with that one.
Yet, in a fairly busy store where I am working, it all just goes on. The chatter in the background is just white noise, though I can pick out voices easily if I am inclined. But a shout, cry, scream will cause me to become unglued in a nano-second. Same thing with walks, normal sounds are ok, but if someone else's dog starts barking (my own excepted which is weird because he is a VERY noisy JR Terrier!) I might jump out of my shoes. Also, mechanical sounds outside can quickly become annoying. One exception is the EVEN noiser this year- than -in- the -past, cicadas. Those things are really freaking me ot, to be frank.