coolies wrote:
I have meeting tomorrow with the reginal manager about it.
I'm glad to hear this. Depending upon where you live, sexual orientation is a protected class by law (like race, religion, etc under federal law in the US). They should not be doing this. The sad thing is that even though it is bullying (because I don't believe they would be doing it to someone who could defend themselves...sorry if I am reading in to it, but you remind me of my son because sometimes he cannot tell when people are or are not his friends), the very people doing it probably wouldn't recognize it as bullying because for some reason it is OK to be cruel to people you don't consider to be disabled or disadvantaged in some way.
I am so very sorry this is happening. Don't let it make you lose faith in all humans, though. There are good people out there. These just aren't them.
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage