Hi all,
According to some comments on a Slashdot post (I can't post links yet, but it's the top Google hit for Uncanny Valley and Asperger Syndrome), Aspies are in the "Uncanny Valley". What that means is that we can't act enough like what NTs unconsciously think of as "human" that they can accept us as human -- and that as long as that's the case, looking human is a liability!
Anyone have second opinions on this? (I wouldn't expect science to confirm it any time soon, since research on the Uncanny Valley seems to be pretty new.)
The reason this is important to me is that I think a lot of us, self included, will have the technology to turn our bodies into non-humanoid forms, long before we have the technology to completely suppress the visible symptoms of AS with no unacceptable side effects. The latter, I figure, would mean reverse-engineering the brain in enough detail to make human-level AI, if not mind uploading, possible. In other words, I won't expect it to happen until shortly before the Singularity. The former could probably be done using any of the technologies that would make cyborg enhancements a la Deus Ex: Human Revolution possible (at which point I intend to become a cyborg anyway, so why not kill two birds with one stone?).