I agree that he should know before puberty hits it's full stride. I would also look into cognitive behavioral therapy to teach him the things he does not intuitively know. Asperger's was not an official diagnosis when I was in school and had it been it is certain I would have been diagnosed. Knowing would have helped me to compensate somewhat for what I went through. Instead, all I knew was that I had ADD, a diagnosis that did not really deal with the social issues I have dealt with most of my life. It took me until my thirties to be able to examine my life and figure out what I was doing wrong and why. Had I known at an earlier date, I would have had a framework to put it in and could have chosen to deal with it differently.
Uncertain of diagnosis, either ADHD or Aspergers.
Aspie quiz: 143/200 AS, 81/200 NT; AQ 43; "eyes" 17/39, EQ/SQ 21/51 BAPQ: Autistic/BAP- You scored 92 aloof, 111 rigid and 103 pragmatic