Hmmm, no. Life will still be hard wherever I am, because I'm shy. If I was in a room full of Aspies, there will always be an Aspie that's louder than me, even if they are shy to NTs, and, like all humans, they will look up to the most chattiest, and center the conversations around them. It happens everywhere, all humans just have that instinct. And so wherever I am, I would be pushed to the back. And I will still be worried about what others think of me, because not all people on the spectrum are unaware of social behaviour and conformity.
I may also feel like an outcast too, because I'm not that clever. Heh, heh, I didn't even know what a blog is, 2 years ago. Everybody knows what that is, Aspie or not. And I feel I take in more of people's intentions, personalities and details, more than facts and other logical things. I'm even really good at expressing how I feel. So nah, I don't think I would get on on an exclusively Aspie planet.
I'd rather live in the NT world, where there are NTs, but also diverse neurology (non-NTs other than Aspies), like Down's Syndrome, Mental Retardation, ADHD, and other conditions that differ from the norm, whether it's slightly or moderately or severely or whatever.
With NTs, I feel like a moth among butterflies. A lot of similarities but have some different ways. Butterflies come out in the day, flutter around flowers, so on. A moth usually comes out at night, and flutters around lights. But both butterflies and moth flutter, and look the same if one fluttered quickly past you, generally (I have seen brown butterflies before, and I've seen yellow and green moths before). I don't feel COMPLETELY different, like a fly or bluebottle would around butterflies.