NateRiver wrote:
Sometimes in English, instead of saying met I'll say bet and instead of saying me I'll say be o_0..
Sometimes I'll say banana instead of doughnut. Seriously.
But when you say "Sometimes in English" do you mean English isn't your first language? If so then kudos to you for being bilingual. I'm genuinely hopeless at learning languages.
As for your first concern - uuum, I read this journal article about autistic kids not automatically searching a room systematically like NT kids do (in a standardised 'search' task). I think it's a similar thing- trying to do everything at once and not approaching a problem systematically.
Guess what, though? You can learn to do that, it just takes practice. Get some problems (math, visuo-spatial, whatever) at home and
force yourself to think about solving it systematically, step by step. Write the steps down if you need to at first. It's like reigning in a pack of hyperactive labradors, but with a lot of practice you can train your brain to do it. I know because I've had to do it myself too.
If you want to think of it in a different light, though, I attribute my ability to problem-solve creatively to my brain's tendency to think about everything at once. It might not be helpful in a shapes game, but it might be pretty spectacular during complex real-world problem solving.
...Just food for thought...