are you horrible when it comes to "to dos" and dea

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22 Aug 2012, 11:24 pm

When ever I have dealines, appoitments, or important things to do, I find i'm horrible when it comes to remembering to do them. I find when I got to places like school, birthday parties, doctors appointments (if I remember that even), ect I often forget to bring something very important needed for that event. I can't tell you how many times i've been in class and had to leave so I can drive home to get my text book, or assighnment I missed. I can't tell you how many times my parents and girlfriend have gotten pissed off because AGAIN i've forgotten that important piece of paper even though I made sure I had everything else. I find even when I try hard to organise and make lists to makes sure I'm on top of everything I always have at least one thing fall short from my grasp. Do you relate on this?

James Hackett

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23 Aug 2012, 2:21 am

definitely :oops: it seems that at least for me, ADD [inattentive subtype] is comorbid with AS. when i was on strattera it was somewhat better, but since my rudimentary health insurance dropped prescription drug coverage i had to drop strattera as it was [2005] over $600 per 30-day supply. :hmph:


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23 Aug 2012, 2:59 am

All the time. My parents always complain whenever I forget something because I don't really do much at all. :lol: :oops:

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3