We separated for a while, but are back together. She is bipolar and observed the other day that, though not sure what she might come under, she's not NT. But for my part:
A (perceived) lack of empathy, and of being unemotional. I care, but my way of caring is to try and resolve whatever the upset is - cliche mars/venus stuff. I had - still do - great trouble in identifying my emotions, let alone showing or acting on them. I shutdown way more than meltdown (about 95% to 5%) - at least a meltdown would have shown something, as opposed to becoming blank and impassive.
I need plans and structure, she feels panicky with such things, preferring to 'flow' from moment to moment.
I never wanted to socialise, or make friends.
Inability to consider romantic gestures or have any idea how to conduct a relationship. They simply wouldn't occur to me, she thought I didn't think her worthy of them.
Not being able to work with her - no give and take, leaving all plans up to her (why would I plan to change when I don't like change? etc)
Needing to be in control of my environment - noise, temperature etc.
Even little things - both music lovers, she would talk about a song and how it moved her, I would agree and then break it down into technicalities as to why it had.
Separating for a while helped a lot - to get away from the worst of each other, and remember the best. My own realisation, after catastrophic attempts at dating, at how matched we were. We still live separately - I don't think either of us is up to sharing our space with another adult. And having come to understand myself a lot more, gotten the diagnosis and reading around and being able to talk about things, is a huge huge help, as is simply having grown up some. We have a much clearer idea of our own and each others' abilities/preferences/limits/ways, and work to accomodate them.