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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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Joined: 16 Aug 2012
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 64

26 Aug 2012, 10:02 am

I don't have any problems reading - I don't think I see any individual letters when I read, I'm not sure I even see individual words - and I don't have any issues typing, but...

I just realized/remembered that the big reason I don't use pen when writing stuff by hand is because given a line or two I'm very likely to accidentally write a 'b' when I meant to write a 'p' - or vice versa. I can't think of a time I've ever accidentally written a 'b' when I mean a 'd' though! I also don't think I do it on any other letters - perhaps because there aren't any other letters that have vertical mirrors the way I write them? I found myself wondering if I would mix up a 'd' with a 'q' if I didn't put a loopy thing on the bottom of my 'q' - and also wondering if maybe that's why my capital 'M' I write pointy and my 'W' is rounded? Probably overthinking it at that point (lol, of course I am!) but I'm still interested:

Anyone else (who otherwise shows no signs of dyslexia) ever experience this?

28F from Florida - diagnosed Aspie, ADHD, cyclical depression and anxiety. Used to be all kinds of brilliant. Don't count on me, that way I can exceed your greatest expectations.