god, yes. I have been in phases of my life where I very literally spend every moment in public embarrassed about something or another that I've done - even when I 'know' that most of it just passed everyone else by without a second thought.
To be honest, the best times in my life were with academics and drunks. The academics make some amount of sense to start with, but it's only recently that I started really thinking about why I liked the bar life so much.
I think I mostly tied it down to the fact that I didn't feel embarrassed all the time! Firstly, given a few drinks, I feel less worried about it to begin with. There are dozens of other reasons, though - you have a ready-made excuse as to why you don't remember someone you've been introduced to multiple times, I'm not the only one who can't hear a damn thing in the room, I can smoke which is all kinds of helpful, and I can make completely inappropriate remarks without anyone even giving me a double take...
sorry, the answer was yes, I am =P