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Joined: 5 Sep 2012
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Posts: 15
Location: Maine

13 Sep 2012, 10:36 pm

My boyfriend (who has AS) was referred to a state funded program called Vocational Rehabilitation. It is meant to help him get not only a job, but a good job that he is good at and that he loves and fulfills financial needs. This agency set him up with a job developer who we met with today. We both really like him and he seems very excited and enthusiastic about taking on the task of finding my boyfriend work. He has not worked full time in a few years, and was recently let go of a very part time cleaning job (5 hours a week.) We have both been pretty stressed about the lack of income considering we have three children to care for and I am disabled and cannot work and have yet to qualify for assistance myself. Anyway, this person is not only attempting to find him a good paying job, but one that is close by (we live far from everything) and is related to his special interest (music - he's an amazing drummer and guitarist.) I was wondering if anyone out there with AS has worked with a job developer or something similar before and could share if they thought it was helpful to them and what success you or someone you know has had with it. This job developer is going to help with things like a resume, networking to make connections musically to play out (he currently can't even play at all because of no where to practice so it depresses him), and setting up job shadowing, etc.