Julia_the_Great wrote:
I can't even remember how long this has been a problem, but it's weird.
I'm not faceblind- I can tell two people apart when I see them together. I can even recognize some people I've known for a long time such as family members or people I've known since middle school. Yet, faces of celebrities and people I haven't known for years sort of bleed into one another when I try to remember them. If someone I know gets a haircut, I don't recognize them. When I see my coworkers out of uniform, I don't always realize that they're my coworkers. This was particularly a problem with a coworker who wore a hijab (I learned to recognize her voice and the color of her hijab).
When watching movies, it's worse- I usually can't identify a celebrity unless there's something extremely unique about them (such as Morgan Freeman and his voice), and I'll sometimes get lost trying to follow a plot if multiple actors look similar.
I have some techniques for recognizing people- hair, voice, dress style, mannerisms, context of meeting. If I see a certain facial feature, such as eyebrow thickness, I can narrow down the possibilities as to who I'm looking at.
It's embarrassing- I'm obviously awful at remembering what to call people, I'll sometimes say hello to total strangers if they resemble friends, and I'll sometimes be confused if someone I AM familiar with greets me.
I am pretty much exactly like this as well, I am completely faceblind if I am not expecting to see a person I know like when I bump into an acquaintance at walmart or whatever, or worse yet I spend so much energy trying to recognize their face that their name, if I ever knew it, is long gone. My most common greeting is hey, hows it going, and then I spend the rest of the afternoon trying to remember their name which invariably floats to the surface a few minutes after I stop trying to remember it.
Autism Quotient - 44
Empathy Quotient - 8
Mind in the Eyes ? 18
Systemizing quotient - 52
Aspie-quiz ? AS: 151 NT: 61