"Big" and "little" are subjective evaluations, anyway.
If my cat is sick, that is big. If my cat were to need surgery, that would be huge. (One of them almost did, once. I can still remember how sick I felt, driving over to the vet. When they took her away, her brother hid his eyes in the crook of my arm. But they did one last x-ray, and found out the blockage had shifted, so she didn't need to be operated on. When one of my cats dies, that's basically the end of the world.
When Connie Willis came out with Blackout and All Clear, that was huge. An excellent writer, and World War Two? The London Blitz? (One of my obsessions...) Every Kardashian ever born could be in a huge pileup on the freeway, get their clothes ripped off by wild dogs, and be running around in front of TV cameras stark naked, and that wouldn't be one trillionth as big as those books coming out. But we all know the rest of the world would be glued to the TV, watching Kardashians make fools of themselves, and they probably don't even know who Connie Willis is. So, it's all subjective.
AQ Test = 44 Aspie Quiz = 169 Aspie 33 NT EQ / SQ-R = Extreme Systematising
Not all those who wander are lost.
In the country of the blind, the one eyed man - would be diagnosed with a psychological disorder