How buisy is your schedule when you were a teen?

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Snowy Owl
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18 Sep 2012, 7:14 pm

Just how buisy do you get during your teens?
I seem to be very lucky and that I have way too much free time on my hands. During the school years I would mainly have: School for 5 or 3 hours since I had early release, go to the Library for 6 hours being on their internet for most of the time and go home and continute to do that for most of the time. But then I hear other people say that they: have school, some study class for a few hours, or have some sporting event after that, and then hang with friends or GF and the whole time I am wondering how do they have any time to themselves?

Now that it is summer I mostly just hang out at home and most of my time outside was walking the dogs for 30 minutes each. Now I have a transition class where it is a 1 1/2 hour long but 1 hour each to get there and back. So I have 3 hours out of my day and I still hear people having a huge buisy schedule. I don't know how people can be so buisy at that time?


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18 Sep 2012, 7:16 pm

i was extremely busy, mainly with band, orchestra, choir, and swim team, oh, and church. i was interested in lots of stuff, so i did lots of stuff.


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18 Sep 2012, 8:55 pm

It is the difference between being a social person and a non-social person. I was more like you, I did not care to socialize too much so I did not join sports teams, clubs or groups. I did not have a network of friends so there were no parties or socail gatherings to attend. If you want friends, you have to make the effort to get them. I did not think it was worth the effort plus I liked having my alone time. Don't feel bad about being yourself.

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19 Sep 2012, 5:18 am

All my time was free time. I finished most "home"work at school, rarely did anything with my "friends", and partook in no extracurricular activities.

Alternatively, you could say my schedule was completely full:

7:45-14:30: School
15:00-23:00: Computer
23:00-3:00: Insomnia
3:00-7:00: Sleep


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19 Sep 2012, 5:24 am

JitakuKeibiinB wrote:
All my time was free time. I finished most "home"work at school, rarely did anything with my "friends", and partook in no extracurricular activities.

Alternatively, you could say my schedule was completely full:

7:45-14:30: School
15:00-23:00: Computer
23:00-3:00: Insomnia
3:00-7:00: Sleep

LOL Same here

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19 Sep 2012, 5:48 am

I was always walking around with a friend. We draw comics and tried to write a book together.

We didn't have internet yet :lol:

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19 Sep 2012, 5:54 am

Not very busy. Given how I was, I guess that's par for the course.


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19 Sep 2012, 6:45 am

Advanced Placement classes did me in. The workload is greater than most college courses, and with 7 of them per day I was doing homework round the clock. Having what I much later learned were AS symptoms, I would have to take a nap right after school. Then I played hockey so I would have to go to mostly away games and not get back until midnight. Other days I had to walk 2.5 miles to work only having a few minutes to eat after walking 1 mile home from school. With anxiety problems I could not keep anything down in the morning and had trouble doing so the rest of the time. Combined with 4 hours of sleep a night I never had any energy and could barely speak most of the time.

In spite of all this, I had perfect attendance from 8th-12th grades and was able to beat my peers to several small scholarships from local organizations and finished with a 4.16 GPA. Aside from that I would not wish anyone to feel how I felt in high school.

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19 Sep 2012, 12:55 pm

The only thing I did as a teen was go to school and come home. I wasn't busy at all.

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19 Sep 2012, 1:07 pm

I'm 15, and don't really do anything expect serf the Internet, try to get my computer game to work, talk to online friends a little, and go out somewhere every once and in while (like shopping, ect).

Before I stopped attending school, I'd spend hours getting ready every morning, to shut the bullies up (I sweat up a river everyday back then, and had really bad acne). Sometimes I ate a small breakfast, I was desperate to lose weight.
When I came home from school, I almost fell over from exhaustion, so I had to watch some T.V., or just sit there. Then I spent some time on homework, ate, exercised, bathed, spent a few hours trying to make my self look half decent, then slept. Either that, or I'd spend most of my time playing videos games when I faked being sick, which I actually was, I had mental exhaustion.
The only time I had any energy after school was after a long break from school, like, about, 6weeks+ long.


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19 Sep 2012, 1:21 pm

When I was a teenager (13-16) I went to school 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, went out with my cousin in lighter evenings, stayed indoors in the darker evenings, and just saw my other cousins over the week-end. Didn't see any friends though (don't think I even had any when I was a teenager). :(


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19 Sep 2012, 1:35 pm


Mon-Fri School 9am-2:15pm
Monday work 4-8pm
Wednesday Chess Club 2:30-3:30
Thursday Debate Club 2:30-3:00
Saturday work 8:15-1:30


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19 Sep 2012, 1:37 pm

At 16, my life isn't very busy. My college timetable has a lot of spare time and mostly, if I'm in college, I may do my homework and then use a college computer and read the news, after checking my inbox etc. Out of college, I'm on the net or sleeping.

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19 Sep 2012, 1:58 pm

See while I was a teen, it was school (5-6 classes), from 6.5 hrs, study in the library till my dad picks me up at 4. My dad takes me to swim practice, get home by 6 or 7. Do more HW, go to sleep by 10. During my Jr/Sr yr, I became a better swimmer and started competing more so swimming took up more of my time with numerous swim meets, weekend practices, sometimes morning practices, etc. I only had frds senior yr of high-school, would sometimes hang out at the mall Fri afternoons. I also worked on and off during the summer. It was relatively busy, not overwhelmingly busy, adequate.


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19 Sep 2012, 4:01 pm

Not very busy at all. In HS it was like go to school, get stoned, watch TV or read or just dink around. No internet then.


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19 Sep 2012, 4:24 pm

I'm about to turn 16, and I totally overbook myself. I'm in my school's band and jazz ensemble, I act for a community theater program, I work for Dunkin Donuts, I'm part of my school's Latino council, soon I'll be taking Driver;s Ed, plus I have to keep up with school and homework, plan my appointments accordingly, and save some time to socialize. I don't get much sleep at all.