I'm 15, and don't really do anything expect serf the Internet, try to get my computer game to work, talk to online friends a little, and go out somewhere every once and in while (like shopping, ect).
Before I stopped attending school, I'd spend hours getting ready every morning, to shut the bullies up (I sweat up a river everyday back then, and had really bad acne). Sometimes I ate a small breakfast, I was desperate to lose weight.
When I came home from school, I almost fell over from exhaustion, so I had to watch some T.V., or just sit there. Then I spent some time on homework, ate, exercised, bathed, spent a few hours trying to make my self look half decent, then slept. Either that, or I'd spend most of my time playing videos games when I faked being sick, which I actually was, I had mental exhaustion.
The only time I had any energy after school was after a long break from school, like, about, 6weeks+ long.