MjrMajorMajor wrote:
EstherJ wrote:
I have a HORRIBLE time with this.
It has really really hurt my social interactions. It's hurt my friendships.
I can't say what I want to say. I have the concept clearly in my mind but can't get it out. By the time I do, people in conversations have run over my point and moved on.
So I just shut up in the middle of a conversation. There is no point in having group conversations...
I tried to tell this to my friend, but he couldn't understand at all.
It sucks because I have so much to say.
It's like people are whizzing down this conversational freeway, and being stuck strolling along side the curb. Some of the deepest discussions I've had were with someone who would let me wander a bit, and get back ten minutes later with my reply. I'm terrified in engaging with people at all, because who has the patience for that?

This is very true of me as well. I am mystified by how quickly other people zip around (both conversationally, and on other aspects of life too). By the standards of others I am extremely slow at everything, but it is normal speed to me.
I hate being asked questions because I struggle to articulate an answer with a speed that is acceptable to the asker. It is hard for me to find the right words and I often get frustrated or anxious about it. Sometimes I pretend I have not heard what someone said to give me more time to think about my answer. I am also anxious about starting conversations, because while I can start out with something I have had time to think about, as soon as the conversation proceeds past the part I had thought about beforehand, I get lost and am unable to articulate myself.
For some reason, when I'm typing, none of this seems to be an issue in any way, and I am able to express my thoughts as clearly as I think them.