impulse343 wrote:
What usually precedes romantic relationships? How are they established? What are usually the first steps towards a romantic relationship? Does one "ask out" someone they barely know?
Please explain the social conventions behind romantic relationships.
I would say it is mostly about emotional (and physical) nearness. Share everything with ease
And normally that would require to say something like click on both sides.
To my opinion there is very little to do if that isnt the case from the beginning
If it is and everything goes well you can ask out somebody that you barely know or even follow somebody home
NTs wont very easily feel comfort with someone with AS
it is rather that they complain to you that you are strange
in a subtle way
That makes me usually sad because that signalizes me that it went wrong.
That just freezes me
Women can be much more passive, men have to take the initiative at the later stages
Something that I am really bad in, too.
Usually I cant do anything I just feel ashamed of me and I cannot just imagine what they would want from someone like me...
Arranged things are very difficult for me
Usually I can talk to women if I am not interested. But it just very easily blocks up when I am