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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Sep 2012, 10:04 pm

Hello everyone,

I had a young boy try to vandalize my driveway yesterday, all caught on video. Not knowing who's son he was/is, I sent out a neighborhood email asking that the neighbors inform their kids that damaging property is a bad thing. I thought that would be the end of it.

Today I received a terrible bullying email from a neighbor (not the mother of the child), berating me for emailing her, calling me sad, lonely, and several other unkind things. This she did by cc'ing the entire neighborhood. She ended her email by stating that I should have reported the child to the police.

He is 12 at most, and I don't think kids should learn right from wrong by being arrested.

After googling her name, I find out she's the wife of a state trooper.

I feel that I've been bullied, and have no idea how to handle the issue. I'm frightened to reply to her without incurring some form of victimization from the police department.

So, what do you (my aspie brothers and sisters) think is the best way to deal with this?

Thanks for your response.


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29 Sep 2012, 11:07 pm


Seriously, HOAs are the worst. My HOA towed my car out of my owned driveway simply for looking ugly and being unregistered. And cops, yeah, individual cops you piss off can make your life a nightmare.

Anyway, email is sort of good, because there's a literal paper trail, whereas verbal, people can just lie about what you say.

For your response, it's kind of a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" as if you don't respond at all, she's "disrespected" you, and if you do, she can then make your life troublesome. I say if you do respond, do not do any harassive tones at all. Just keep it SHORT, long emails are the worst because NTs can't read (haha, I made a joke about NTs) and are like "Y U SAY SO MANY WORDS FOR?! !!" and hate you for some reason. Just say something along the lines of "I find your response to be harassive in nature, it was very rude and impolite. I am sorry we disagree on the course of action to take with the issue of vandalism, but I find your response to be completely unwarranted and rude, and don't see why if you had an issue with me personally you felt the need to send this email to the entire neighborhood." Then sign off with "Thank you very much" just to seal it. And just leave it at that. Basically, write like you're a lawyer. There's no harassive speech in that, but also no defending yourself either. If you "defend" you show weakness, so you're being mildly offensive, but at the same time, not harassive or personally insulting her in any way. Whether you CC your response to the entire neighborhood, well, you decide on that.

You can do nothing, too, and just let her be. But I feel it's better with bullies to just show you have teeth. No need to bite back yet, just show you have teeth. I dunno, you gotta figure this out for yourself, obviously you know what you're dealing with, and the potential consequences. All I can say is good luck.

Snowy Owl
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29 Sep 2012, 11:39 pm

^ what 1000Knives said!

plus I would add that thing you said "He is 12 at most, and I don't think kids should learn right from wrong by being arrested. "

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30 Sep 2012, 3:45 am

Just because her husbands a cop doesn't mean she is. One of my good friends is a cops wife. They live two houses up from me. He doesn't like me because I'm a "bad influence" or something, but she likes me and sneaks over here to hang out and drink sometimes. She's also going to teach me how to make jelly. I've always wanted to know how to do that. And pickles too.

Anyway, back to your situation. I'd send back an email that says something like "Jesus Christ lady, chill out. I was just trying to give parents the heads up".

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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