How to be happy as an aspie
I tried all threw out my life to desperately find the good side of my aspies which has taken so much from me and left me with so little in return. I mean if I had some special ability above and beyond that of normal man I think I could be happy with it because I know I have something they never will but I do not. As far as I can tell I am smart but not genius smart and have moderate talents in music and writing but not a super star type. So I sat and try to think how to be happy with something that only seems to take and take without giving anything in return. I mean I have to watch time and time again as people walk out of my life simply because they do not want to deal with the effects and some of the over bearingness of my aspies. I hate it and it is painful to watch this happen again and again. I always tried to find the good but with something like this there only seems to be bad and nothing good. I mean I want the same things that the other people have friends and relationships. I want to know what it is like to love and give love. I want all these things and it seems to be the very things that my aspies takes from me over and over. it just becomes overwhelming to watch the parade of people leaving as soon as they get there over and over again. your left with what is the point why stick around this God forsaken planet if that is going to be your next 300 years where your alone always a alone and there is no hope of making it better or fitting in. I cannot tell you the countless times when new friendships where starting to form in my life this time it is going to be different this time these people will stay and without fail not shortly after they began they leave and I get to watch this happen over and over again. I like why am I here and why did I sticking around this stupid planet for.
I mean hell the heart of the human experience is the social ability that is truly one the key things that makes us different from any other animal here on the planet earth. Yet us aspies and hfa are born without that and it almost seems as cruel as a lion born in the wild without the ability to hunt for its' prey. So I ask again what is the point why stick around in life when you are going to only have so little. there seems to be no hope of making it better. I tried to accept this thing and to be happy as am but it is so hard to sit and be ok in world where people leave over and over and over again.
Abraham Lincoln said "Most everyone was just about as happy as they made up their mind to be".
Most NTs are not any happier than we are over all!! Nor would being NT guarantee you happiness!
Here are some observations I have made of the world around me.
Most NTs like most Asperger's manage to do a really good job of screwing up their life. I mean after all nearly all divorces, social fights, stalkers, lonely disaffected people are NTs - why because they out number us by a vast margin -- God think of it - if it was just us the whole world would be sweetness and light! Half of all marriages in the US end in divorce - by the shear weight of numbers - nearly all of those are NTs divorcing NTs. Therefore, there are a lot of unhappy NTs out there and we haven't even gotten to any of the other ways that NTs make themselves and those around them unhappy.
Think of it - you have a bunch of people who by their nature are both better at and more willing to lie, cheat, hurt those around them than we the Asper types of the world would be up to.
something like 99% of all people in prison are NT - 99% of people seeking psychological aid are NT.
The Key to happiness
1. figure out what makes you happy -
2. then set about doing it
3. repeat the above steps as many times as possible before the grim reaper comes for you.
I have come to believe that letting your Aspieness show is not always a bad thing. Don't worry so much about letting it show in your personal life. After finding friends that are as Asper as I am I can tell you that most Asperger's people will not hold it against you for being weird. In so many ways we are so much like or NT counterparts out their. I can guarantee you that you will find some on the spectrum to clash with you and others that can become close long lasting friends. And yes we can have long lasting friendships and relationships - especially with others of our kind (a couple of my geeky Asper friends I have known for more than 10years now)!
Stop whining and waiting for someone else to come along and fix your problems - and start taking action on your own behalf. You are an Asperger's - make it one of your special interests to find a solution for yourself.
PS -- yes, you can fit in if those around you are all Asperger's.
Found in an old and dusty book --- Roger's Axiom: If it is worth doing it is worth over doing!
Found on -- If you are suffering from Autism - you're doing it wrong!
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